Chapter 23

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I had a turbulent relationship with weddings. Most I'd been to were a good time, but the first I'd been to was traumatic.

Sascha's sister's wedding was a good time for everyone else, but I found it difficult joining in the festivities. The bride and groom, Mina and Marko, were a perfect vision of true love, or what I imagined it could look like. Even though I could sense their nerves from my place at the back of the church, I was mesmerised by the way they gazed into each other's eyes and the way they said 'I do' with absolute confidence. They were meant to be. They believed that, and so did everyone else.

Were all relationships supposed to be like this, so pure and unopposed? How did a couple even make it to this point? And if a relationship went beyond the so called honeymoon phase, how did they keep it from falling apart?

When they said 'until death do us part,' my mind instantly considered the point of all this. Was there one if nothing lasted forever?

"You're going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that."

I glanced up at the sound of Sascha's voice. She was a vision in her bridesmaid dress, waltzing over to the entrance of the corridor I stood in. Her complaints about the colour and cut were completely unjustified in my opinion. The powder blue sweetheart dress suited her. She was gorgeous, and I hoped she felt that way today.

"How are you doing?" I asked, hoping to keep the attention on her. "It's a beautiful wedding." I looked pointedly at the decorations in the large reception room. Mina had good taste. The white florals hanging from the ceiling and the scattering of crystal chandeliers was exactly what I expected from her.

"I am exhausted," Sascha whined, "And I can't wait to get out of these shoes!"

"Did you bring flats?"

"I wasn't allowed," she pouted. "Bridezilla won't let me wear anything but these heels until the videographer leaves." Also not a surprise.

"That's still quite a while away."

"I'll live." Her pout turned serious. There really was no escaping her. "So, do you want to tell me what you're doing hiding over here? Is Dale being annoying? He can be a little annoying."

I shook my head. "Dale's been great. I just need a break."

"What's going on?" she prodded, concern now lacing her tone. "Is it me? I know I've been a little bitchy this past week. I'm really sorry I've been that way to you. I have no right to treat you like that."

I shook my head. "You haven't done anything. Promise." That didn't satisfy her. A non-answer was not going to cut it, so I caved. "I spoke to Caroline last night."

Sascha's perfectly glossed mouth fell open. "Excuse me? What? Why? What happened?"

With heat bubbling in my chest, I relayed the cliff notes version of my horrid week. From breaking things off with Sawyer and arguing with Justin, to my talk with Dad, calling Caroline and having a meltdown at the mere sound of her voice. It took a while for me to calm down after the tears started rolling, but when I did, Caroline was there to listen to me for what felt like the first time in my entire life. It was a long talk, nearly two hours, but I learned a lot. My world had been turned upside down in the past twenty four hours and I was still coming to terms with it.

Sascha was dumbstruck, speechless even. She didn't say a word until she was sure I'd finished. "Ellie, I'm so sorry I've been such a cow lately. Why didn't you call me after?"

I shrugged. "You've had the wedding to deal with, I didn't want to bother you. It's okay, I'm okay."

"Are you really?" She didn't seem so sure.

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