Chapter 3

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Ellie Bean. The nickname that stuck when I couldn't say jellybean at three years old. Conveniently, it sounded like the beginning of my name, Elizabeth. From there came Ellie, and then as I got older, Elle. No one I knew called me Ellie Bean anymore, except Dad when he was feeling sentimental.

And now Justin.

Standing this close, I was finally able to take him in completely. As always, those eyes, which currently sparkled with a hint of arrogance, were gorgeous. His black hair, which was shorter on the sides and a little overgrown on top, shone with the remnants of sweat he earned throughout his time on stage. He was clean-shaven but looked a little scruffier than usual, also a result of the drumming, no doubt.

There was also a tattoo on his chest. I thought I saw a glimpse of it earlier, but now I could confirm that Justin definitely did have a tattoo. I could see the corner of it peeking out of his shirt. What it was exactly, I couldn't tell.

"So you do know who I am," I stated with a spark of confidence I didn't know I possessed.

He shrugged. "I wasn't sure at first but figured it out recently."

Recently? How recently? Ten minutes ago recently?

I took a chance, remembering the all-knowing smirks I'd received tonight. "And you never said hello?"

He licked his lips slowly as he thought about it. Oh, wow.

"You've always been a little standoffish," he admitted openly. "I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it."

Standoffish? "No, I'm not," I countered boldly.

The corner of Justin's lips curved up and he looked me over. "Are you sure? Your body language is telling me a different story, and you've always sort of been that way."

My body language? I took a moment to consider that. Crossed arms, a popped knee and a cold attitude. I quickly unfolded myself and tried to relax. That only made him laugh. "I'm not 8-years-old anymore," I reminded him, "and I'm sure I don't know what you mean."

He laughed again. It was nice, and I momentarily forgot that he was teasing me. "So, that drink?"

I shook my head politely. "I'm not drinking tonight." 

"Alcohol's not a condition on the offer." When I didn't respond, he continued with an air of confidence. "How about a skinny macadamia latte?"

My heart picked up its uneven rhythm again. He knew my coffee order. "So you have noticed me." All those times in the campus café when I stole glances at him, watched him from afar, and daydreamed about things I shouldn't have be daydreaming about while trying to study, he noticed.

He spread his hands in a shrug. "It's a little hard to ignore the ogling eyes of a beautiful woman."

I had to look away to hide the beginnings of a smile that threatened to break through. So I was beautiful? The shock of that only lasted a few seconds as my eyes widened in realisation.

Ogling. He knew that I'd been watching him! Could this meeting be any more embarrassing?

Again, I didn't respond. I was coming up blank, not knowing what to say. Thankfully, he picked up the conversation. "So, that coffee?"

"Sure, thank you," I accepted, intentionally avoiding gaze. I seemed to lose my words when I looked at him. 

Justin caught the attention of the bartender and ordered our drinks. While he was doing that, I glanced back at Sascha. She mouthed an 'are you okay?' from her position in Dale's arms. I smiled to let her know that I was. Somehow, despite the swirling storm of emotions and memories occurring inside me, I was okay.

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