Author's Note

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Wow! I did it! I finally finished a novel-length story.

That's crazy!

If you're still here reading, or if you've just stopped by to see what this story is all about, I thank you. Writing this story has been a unique, and sometimes difficult, journey. I'm proud to have completed Out of the Blue, a story that's been plaguing me for many, many years. I've even printed it out, and that's so, so, so satisfying. 

In my rewrites, which have already begun, I'm working on making it not only from Ellie's POV, but also from Justins. I time, I think I will upload some bonus chapters from Justin's POV. Is that something you'd be interested in? Let me know.

SASS & DALE'S STORY | Great news! I have plotted Sass and Dale's story and have started writing bits and pieces. Here's a HINT! It takes place five years after Out of the Blue, and Sascha's best friend gets to wear a white dress! Whaaat?! I'm not going to upload any part of this new story until I have at least finished a fast draft of the entire story. This will ensure I revise and edit before uploading as well as allow me to maintain a proper uploading schedule, which I know readers appreciate more than sporadic chapters. If this is something you're interested in, be sure to follow my profile and add Out of the Blue to your library for future notifications (I'll advertise here). 

Again, thank you so much! The readers of Wattpad are amazing!



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