Chapter 26

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"Do you want another shot?" Emily yelled over the thump of music and Darcy's melodic voice.

I shook my head, keeping my body moving with the beat. "No, I'm good."

"You sure?" Sascha chimed in, leaning in to my ear. "You look a little nervous."

I rolled my eyes at her assumption, even though it was completely accurate. "I'm good," I repeated, a blush rising to my cheeks. Maybe I shouldn't have told her.

Sascha giggled and ignored Emily's curious look as they squeezed through the crowd and off the dance floor.

Alone in a sea of sweaty bodies, the weight of his gaze felt heavier. An intentional wiggle of the hips and glance over the shoulder was all it took for that blush to turn into a full body tingle.

Justin didn't miss a beat. The way he looked in his black, low cut shirt, with his tattoo peeking out, only added to my nerves. And when he licked his lips after looking me up and down, I thought maybe I could do with another shot after all.

Sascha knew me so well. When she and Emily returned to the dance floor, drinks in hand, she handed me a third glass. I took it and downed the vodka concoction in two gulps. Emily cheered me on and Sascha raised her brows knowingly.

"Shut up," I mumbled, unheard over the music. Sascha caught it though, and laughed again.

That's how the night went. Dancing and drinking, although I did refrain from more alcohol. It was Dream of Darcy's last show and the atmosphere was wilder than I'd ever seen it. Uni Bar was at capacity and there was no sign of it slowing down, not even when Darcy thanked the crowd for their support over the years and all band members stood up front for a never-ending applause.

The after party seemed to go on forever. I watched keenly as Justin mingled with his friends and his fans. His smile was contagious as he spent time with classmates he would probably never see again after graduation. I hung back with Emily and Sascha, letting the band do their thing.

Eventually, people moved on from congratulating Dream of Darcy and flocked to the bar and dance floor. When the questions and praises stopped flowing, Justin made his way over to me.

He slipped passed the red rope separating our booth from the rest of the crowd and slid into the seat beside me, trapping me in the corner.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, placing a hand on his arm.

Justin sighed, putting his nearly empty beer on the table. "I don't know, really. Can you feel exhilarated and sad at the same time?"

My fingers fiddled with a loose thread on the hem of my dress. I wasn't one for understanding emotions, but you could definitely feel more than one thing at once. "Absolutely."

He nodded with a smile. "Then that's how I feel. Exhilarated and sad." I had little doubt that the melancholy would take over soon. He puckered his lips, looking down at his beer and then up at the stage.

"You'll miss it." There was no question about it. Justin enjoyed playing the drums and performing with his friends.

His attention back on me, he spoke in a low voice. "I will miss it. But I guess it's time for a new chapter."

I let him have his moment before I turned my body to face him. We were alone in the booth and I was mostly blocked from view. Knowing that wandering eyes wouldn't see, I felt the bravery bubble.

Reaching out for his hand, I linked our fingers and asked quietly, "Are you tired?"

Justin turned, giving me his full attention and matching my tone. "Exhausted. Why do you ask?"

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