Chapter 2

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No One's POV:

     Lizzie and Josie put their suitcases in the back of Hope's Bentley while their mom watches. Hope walks out of the school on her phone with her suitcase in hand.

   "You got everything, sweetheart," a woman asks her over the phone. Hope puts her bag in the trunk. "Yes, Aunt Freya I do. I got money in my wallet, my card, and my outfit for the wedding. So I think I'm good," Hope chuckles closing the trunk.

      She stares at her phone weirdly as there's a lot of commotion coming from it before putting it back to her ear. "What about Condoms, bunny?" Her uncle's voice comes through making the twins look at Hope weirdly as she coughs unexpectedly.

     She nods at them before clearing her throat. "Yes, I have them. Auntie Bex made sure I keep a box in my car and two in my wallet," she softly tells him watching the twins hug Caroline.

    "I don't need my sweet girl getting anybody pregnant or catching anything. So Hope remember 'don't be silly, protect your willie," her Auntie Bex tells her and she blushes then she hears laughter in the background.

    A loud smack came from the phone and the laughter instantly stopped, "leave my sweet girl alone." Hope giggles as she hears her uncle and her brother Marcel apologize to her.

     "Well, guys I gotta go. I'll text or call you later. Love you guys," she says hearing them say bye's and I love you too's before hanging up. Hope shakes her head with a chuckle putting her phone back in her pocket.

     Her family always cracks her up. "You ready?" She asks the twins who were receiving a talk from Caroline. They nod thanking Hope in their heads for the save from their overprotective mother's talk.

    "Oh, before you go. Here Hope," Caroline hands her a good decent size ice chest. Hope grabs it and peeks inside seeing a decent amount of blood bags in it.

     "I got them from Elena and had Bonnie spell the chest for them," Caroline explains after Hope looks up at her. Hope nods in understanding with a small smile.

     "Thank you, Miss Salvatore," Hope tells her accepting the hug from Caroline. Caroline pats her back softly, stepping back watching the girls get in the car and take off. She sighs turning around and walks back inside, hoping they have a good time.

     "I know I say this all the time but I love your car," Lizzie tells Hope from the backseat. Hope who's driving chuckles with Josie.

     "I know you do, Lizzie. You can drive when I get tired, ok? Also Josie I put bags in the compartment box for you but please don't puke in my car," Hope tells them glancing at them.

       Lizzie cheers and laughs as Josie hits Hope in the arm. Josie opens the compartment seeing a roll of trash bags and a box of something else that makes her grin. "What's this?" She asks with humor in her voice holding up a box of 2XL condoms.

     Lizzie's jaw drops at the size before laughing. "Hey! Put those back, Jo!" Hope exclaims reaching for the box as the twins start laughing. She grabs it from her and throws it back in the compartment closing the door with a thud.

     "I-I didn't know you had a b-big junior," Josie gets out between her laughter as her best friend's face turns pink. "Okay! Let's listen to music!," Hope switches on the radio turning up the volume a bit.

Josie pats her arm giggling to herself. Hope shakes her head slightly, trying to mentally prepare herself for the rest of the trip.

    After a couple hours on the road they stop at a gas station for snacks and rest. They walk into the store each of them going straight for the bathroom. As they finish they get their drinks and snacks before heading to the register.

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