Chapter 15

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Hope's POV:

I groan as my alarm wakes me up. Great school! I sit up, rubbing my eyes slightly to get rid of my tiredness. Yup it sucks missing a year of school because you're stuck in the pit with an annoying Clarke.

I pull off my blanket and swing my legs off the couch then stand up to go to the bathroom. I yawn loudly and enter the bathroom to go pee.

   As I go pee, I fail to hear the door open and I yelp as a voice talks. "Can you hurry up! I gotta go pee and hearing you go makes it harder to control my bladder," Lizzie whines and I turn my head to look seeing her do a little pee pee dance.

  "Can you at least wait outside! You're staring and it makes going pee very uncomfortable for me," I exclaim making her groan loudly and walk out. She left the door open, that bitch!

  I turn my head around and continue peeing with a sigh of relief. It felt like my bladder was gonna explode.

  After finishing I flush and set the toilet seat down before washing my hands. "Move bitch!" Lizzie pushes me out of the way and head towards the toilet.

  I chuckle, turning off the faucet and dry my hands off with the small towel before heading back towards the living room. I grab my laptop and my backpack before sitting down on the couch to get my school and homework over with before my date with my mates.

For about two hours the twins and I worked on our school work plus our homework. After submitting all of my assignments and homework, I turn off my laptop and stretch with a small groan.

  "Alright, I'm gonna take a shower then I'll get ready for my date," I announce standing from the table making Josie and Lizzie jump up with excited smiles.

  "Can we pick your outfit?!" They exclaims excitedly while clasping their hands together with a pleading expression making me chuckle.

  "Uh, sure but nothing too drastic," I warn pointing a stern finger at them making them cheer excitedly and run to the room where my clothes are.

  I shake my head with a chuckle and went to my room where they're going through my closet. The twins are crazy when I give them permission to find my outfit.

I grab a towel and my underclothes before going into the bathroom. After a 30 minute shower of making sure I'm clean and smelling good, I get out and dry myself before putting on my underclothes which consist of a bra and boxer briefs.

I brush my teeth quickly and put some mint mouthwash in before swishing it around then spit it out in the sink. I wonder what my mates have planned today? I quickly run my brush through my hair to get the tangles out.

   Whatever it is I would surely enjoy. I'm a simple type of girl. I walk out of the bathroom to my room after putting on deodorant and find the twins laying out an outfit for me on the bed.

"Just in time. Here is your outfit and while you get dress, Josie and I will go collect your make up products because we are doing your make up and hair for this evening," Lizzie tells me gesturing to the clothes before dragging Josie out.

    Okay? I chuckle and look my outfit over and nod in approval. Not too dramatic or girly. Just my style. I get dress and put my boots on. 👇🏼


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