Chapter 3

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No one's POV:

Hope who's in wolf form runs through the woods irritated. 'Alaric always treats me like I'm beneath him just because I'm a Mikaelson. I'll show that alcoh-' Hope's train of thought gets interrupted at the sound of sobbing.

Who would be out the woods this late besides the supernatural. She sniffs the air, a human out this late? Hope follows the sound feeling compelled to do so and finds a girl curled up in a ball on the forest floor whimpering.

She sniffs her lightly not sensing any wounds. Maybe she got lost. The girl opens her eyes a little and Hope catches her eye, instantly Hope feels a bond form.

Like a sister bond. The girl fell back to sleep without a second thought. 'Great' Hope thought before changing back to human with a small groan. Good thing she spelled her clothes and shoes to stay on this time.

Hope was so pissed off she did the spell and took off away from Alaric. She picks up the girl bridal style and was surprised when the girl snuggled closer with a whimper.

Hope followed them girl's scent all the way to the girl's house where she can hear a lot of chatter and see police lights. 'Time to face the music' she thought before walking out of the woods with the girl in her arms.

A boy with long hair noticed Hope and called for the cop. The cop noticed his daughter in the girl's arms and ran towards them. "She's all right," Hope tells him passing the girl over to him.

" I got her. Thank you uh," the man says waiting for her name to thank her properly. Hope gives him a small smile, "Hope. My name is Hope." That's gotta be the girl's father from the similarities between them.

"Thank you, Hope," the man says holding his daughter close and walks to his house. Hope nods watching him walk away before noticing three men 'one of them is in a wheelchair and the other one is without a shirt' staring at her with weird expressions.

The two older ones looked away but the one with no shirt kept staring at her with an intense stare. She met his stare with a glare of her own. She's not gonna let this guy try to intimidate her because she's a girl. The guy lasted a full 10 seconds before looking away making Hope smirk.

The next day........

After receiving a lecture from Alaric, Hope got in her car and drove to the girl's house to check up on her. She parked in front of an orange truck that looks like it seen better days and got out locking her car.

Hope sighs rubbing her head before walking to the front door and knocks on it, waiting. The man set the phone down and got up. 'It's probably Billy or Jacob' he thought but to his surprise it's the girl with blue eyes from last night. The one who found Bella in the woods.

"Hello, Hope. What can I help you with?" He asks watching as she stuffs her hands in her pocket. "I wanted to see how your daughter's doing sir," she says with a soft smile. The man invites her in leading her to the living room.

"Well, she's fine now. Bella's in her room. I'll uh I'll go get her," Charlie says awkwardly standing and walking up their stairs. Bella is sitting on her chair in a sweater and sweatpants broken hearted and confused.

Confused because she saw a white wolf with glowing yellow eyes and caught a glimpse of it turning into a girl. She must've hit her head when she was in the woods last night.

There's no way that happened. It was probably from the heartache of Edward and his family leaving. A knock on her door and her dad's voice brought her from her thoughts.

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