Chapter 8

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︶꒦꒷PART 2꒷꒦︶


Y/n Perspective

I was not planning to stay there for so was so late at night but I didn't even realise when the the time flew like this...Aish whatever...I sneakily went into the house so that Jungkook won't notice...otherwise he will definitely ask me a million question and I don't want to talk to him right now...

As soon as I entered,I was expecting an angry Jungkook with toms of questions but yo my surprise there was no Jungkook?! To my surprise,it seems like there was no one the house...I just ignored it but as soon as I started heading towards my room,I heard on the door and surprisingly a voice imitating the bell....

I furrowed my eyebrows and went to see who it was and the moment I opened the door,I was was one of Jungkook's friend who came in who was carrying a drunk Jungkook?!

Jungkook:DiNg DoNg....DiNg DoNg...DiNg D---

Jimin:Yah! shut the hell up...(he puts his hands on Jungkook's mouth)

I was literally standing there shocked to see the scene infront of me...

Jimin:Hello Y/n nice to meet you again...actually this is pretty embarrasing but...a client made him drunk and now he is like this...

I was so shocked that I didn't even concentrate on what he was saying...


Y/n:Huh?Oh...ok thank you for dropping him at home.....Annyeong

After that I bowed to him and he went his home leaving me with a drunk Jungkook....I think I should just drop him at his room...of course I haven't forgiven him but that doesn't mean that I will be so heartless and leave him here in this condition.

I went to him and picked him up...he was very heavy and giving me major anxiety...


Y/n:Yah I am younger than you...who are you calling noona?

Jungkook:*smiles* YoU jUsT tAlKed tO mE *grins*

Aish why is he behaving like a kid...he seems like a completely differnt person in this state....poor me..what have I got into now..*pouts*


I really want to cry now

Jungkook:*grins* I lo0o0o00ve iT wHEn yOu ToUcH mE *points himself*

Y/n:Yah stop acting like a kid you are a grown up man now.

Jungkook:mE????BuT i ThOuGth tHat I aM a KiD....

After saying this he suddenly started crying....oh my god take me out of this mess...

Y/n:Why are you crying?

Jungkook: I aM CRyInG bEcAuSe I wAnT tO0.*crying more*

I really want to smack his head on the wall right now I am so done with his attitude...who can believe that this kid can be a devil like he was to me.

Jungkook:No0o0na I wAnT tO kISsS yOu...

Y/n:Yah you can't stay in your limits you bunny.

Jungkook:BuT i WaNt tO TaSte ThOsE LiPs....

Y/n:Yah you pervert stay away from me...

I quickened my pace and finally reached to his room...I went inside and laid him the bed when I was about to go...something unexpected happened to me which shocked me...

Jungkook pulled my wrist and because of losing balance I fell on him....I don't known why being this close to him...I don't know why but being this close to him made my heart race and I was suddenly feeling nervous...Jungkook was deeply staring in my eyes and within a second, he smashed his lips on mine....I wanted to back away but surprisingly I kissed him back...

Now I just hope he does not remember anything tomorrow...I quickly pulled away after a minute and was about to go but again grabbed me pulling me closer to his chest....

Jungkook:YoU KnOw? yOU MaKE mY HeArT G0o CrAzY F0oR yOu..

He suddenly took my hand and placed it on his chest....

Jungkook: FeEl thAt?

As soon as he out my hand on his chest,I can clearly feel his heart beating so fast...unknowing my cheeks started burning and my lips curved into a smile....

Y/n:You are drunk just go to sleep it's late...

Jungkook:*whines* BuT i WaNt t0o tO bE wIth Y0Uuuu....

Y/n:Yah let go of me....

Jungkook: I wOn'T..

I sighed in defeat and remained like this in his arms...I don't know why but in his arms...I felt safe and complete...but I quickly bushed away those thoughts because he is still who he is....

He was wrapping me tightly in his arms when suddenly I started felling something wet on my shoulder I quickly looked there and saw Jungkook crying...I gasped and asked...

Y/n:What happened?Why are you crying???

Jungkook:I aM s0rRy N0onA...I huRt YoU....I NeVeR WaNtEd To bE aMonTeR i WaS WiTh yOu...I tRiEd UoU sO bAd...PlEaSe FoRgive mE nO0na....

For a second I wanted to forgive to forgive him but I can't...he broke me,my life,my hopes and literally everything....I reamined silent but what he said next completely took me off guard.

Jungkook: SaRaNgHaE n0Ona.....

I was so shocked at his 'drunk confession...I don't know why I was very happy but sad at the same time...

I needed time to process all this in my''s just too much...I remained silent again not knowing what to say...

After some time I heard cute little snoring sounds....I looked at Jungkook and saw him sleeping peacefully while holding me...his face was so seemed like he was not taking enough care of himself...I slowly touched his face and caressed it...I wiped his dried tears and said...

Y/n:Why are you like this huh?

Y/n:What are doing to me??? I want to hate you but I am not able to...I want to stay away from you but you always pull me heart says to forgive you but my mind says NO..I didn't even realize when I started crying...

Y/n:I don't want this closeness but I want it too...

Y/N:I don't know what to do and what not to are making me go crazy...what are you doing to me and why are you doing this to me??? I don't know what came into me but I kisses his sleeping face multiple times and went out of his room while wiping my tears...I soon came to my room and tied down on the bed with a thump...

I was struggling so was like I was fighting with my own self just for Jungkook....I never felt like this before...I feel horrible and after his warm hug...I want to just stay like felt right at the moment but now when I seems wrong to me...I was so much into my thoughts and I didn't know when sleep took over me....







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