Chapter 20

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︶꒦꒷PART 2꒷꒦︶

Author Perspective

This morning Jungkook woke up purposely before Y/n so that he can execute his plan without any difficulty...he took a shower and then opened the curtains after pecking her forehead so that she wakes up

Jungkook:I am so sorry in advance love...but it will be worth it..

Jungkook Perspective

I quickly set up everything to make it look more real and also I am calling Jimin to pretend that we are talking in real..

OTP: Jungkook:*whispers*Hyung you know what you have to do right?

Jimin:Yeah yeahh now put the phone on speaker already...

I quickly put the speaker and we started and we started out plan....I was trying my best to make it sound as real as possible...I wanted to laugh out loud so bad but I somehow controlled myself...I suddenly saw Y/n squinting her eyes which was a green signal for me...I internally smirked and started to talk a little louder to make sure that she heard everything clearly..

Y/n Perspective

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard someone talking to someone...I was confused because it was so early in the morning...I opened my eyes after squinting my eyes just to see a blurry Jungkook talking to someone on the phone who sounded like Jimin...I furrowed my eyebrows and tired to eavesdrop on their conversation...


Jungkook:*groans*Ughh hyung please I can't's Y/n's birthday today and you are telling me to come...

Jimin:*sighs*Jungkook please try to understand...I also know that its her birthday today but you have to come today...its very important...please to understand but you have come today..its very important...please try to understand...

Jungkook:Hyung its her most special day...I can't come..

Y/n:Yes I am..but what is Jimin oppa talking about?

Jungkook: *turns around* U-uh nothing Y/n its all fine..

I was smelling something weird so I snatched the phone out of his hands and directly talk to Jimin oppa...

OTP~    Y/n:Hello Jimin oppa what are you talking about?

I asked while furrowing my eyebrows even more...

Jimin:Y/n-ah look whats your stubborn husband is doing...we have a very important meeting today which can make us go on the top not even in South Korea but in the UK too..but unfortunately its today on your birthday and he is denying to leave you alone on your very own birthday...

I slightly gasped on hearing that..never in my life I thought that Jungkook will do this...he worked really hard literally day and night working on his company given by his dad and tried his best to make it reach on the top and now that his efforts are finally paid back,he is willing to sacrifice if just for me?I know its my birthday and it means a lot to me because not only its my birthday but also my first ever birthday with him and also I have to surprise him..but my surprise can wait for a few hours because I anyways kept it a secret for so did hurt me but if he is being this selfless then I can also be there by his side and birthday will come next year anyways...I shook my head and made my final decision and said

Y/n:No no no no oppa he is coming for the meeting..there is no way that I am gonna let all his efforts go into waste...

Jungkook Perspective

And here we go...I knew it..I know that she really cares for me and she will never let anything harm on let me be sad..I wanted to kiss her so bad but I controlled myself and pulled out a stern look to continue the act..

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