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Chapter 11

"What happened back at lunch with Luz, Ames?" Willow and Amity were walking to their shared calculus class. It was thankfully their last one for the day. She honestly had no idea what was going on with the girl she had a growing affection for. It felt so confusing, like she was constantly walking on eggshells. It was obvious that Luz had some trust issues, among other things. She hadn't seen Luz since she had run off earlier and left her bag in the cafeteria. Amity had it with her and was waiting to see Luz so she could give it to her. Sighing, Amity looked over at Willow.

"I don't know what to do, Willow. I really don't. Mrs. Halle now wants me to tutor her! How can I tutor her if she doesn't even talk? I mean, she's got her whiteboard, but I want her to talk to me!" Willow's eyebrows furrowed, and she patted Amity on the shoulder.

"Well, I suggest that you get to know her first. But there is something else that I need to ask you." Amity looked at her curiously. Willow continued.

"As you know, our band is preparing for the Hexside Battle of the Bands in about three weeks. The song we're doing has notes that Skara can't hit. Boscha told me that you used to sing, and that you're pretty good. Do you think you could help us out and sing with Skara? None of the rest of us can really carry a tune." Amity was caught off guard. Sure, she loved to sing, and was decent at it, but she had never gone on stage before. There must've been tons of other people in the school who were way better than her. But these people were her friends, and they needed her. As much as Amity didn't want to do it, she knew that she would regret saying no.

"Okay. I'll help you guys out." Willow's face broke out into a grin. Squealing, she hugged Amity tightly. Then she did something unexpected, and whispered some advice into Amity's ear.

"Keep bringing Luz to the practices with you. I can tell that she likes the music, and the company." She let go of Amity and headed off to their final class. Amity's head was spinning. God, first Mrs. Halle, Boscha, and now Willow! Was she really that obvious? She stood there for a moment, lost in thought before following Willow to their class.

As always, she did well in calculus. Math always came easily to her. After the final bell rang, Amity walked out to the parking lot, her eyes scanning for Luz. Suddenly, she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. Turning quickly, she came face to face with the girl in question. She yelped and jumped back with surprise, dropping Luz's bag in the process. Amity quickly tried to compose herself. Then she heard quiet laughter coming from the normally silent girl. 

Luz smiled a little when she saw her bag. Picking it up, she pulled out her whiteboard and marker, and wrote, I'm sorry about lunch. Amity gazed up at the taller girl, whose expression had turned a little sheepish, and was awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. The gesture was so innocent, and somehow made Luz even cuter than she already was.

"Don't worry about it. We all get nervous." Luz took a deep breath of relief at Amity's words. Amity then went on to explain to Luz about being her new tutor. When she finished explaining, Luz nodded, then blushed before writing, I'm glad they chose you. I think that you're the smartest and nicest girl I've ever met. Amity couldn't help but blush herself. She liked it that Luz thought this about her. She glanced at her watch, before remembering that that the band practice was going to start very soon.

"Shit!" She exclaimed. "Boscha and the others must be waiting for me to come to practice." She turned to Luz. "Do you want to come?"


Luz listened to the song playing on Amity's car speakers. Panic! At the Disco was a pretty cool band and she liked this song, and started to tap along.

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