23 | Summer Flowers

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   A few weeks passed by, as the early days of summer continued to grow warmer. Outside, the sun's scorching light blinded Irene's eyes, as she felt stuffy even under her airy and light dress. As she walked beside Isabella, back into the cool shade of the mansion, the two girls fanned themselves in attempt to rid of the heat.

"It's been getting hotter lately," Isabella sighed, tying her long hazel hair up with a white ribbon. "It's going to be hard, having to wear dresses in this heat."

Summers in Laydel weren't overly unbearable. Since the empire was located in a more northern area, the climate was usually cool compared to those of southern nations. Irene herself was more of a winter person, although she did relish summer days and ambience. But the heat - she could never get used to.

"Do you want to go visit the kitchen? It's very cool down there, and I'd like to visit the chefs since it's been a while," Irene suggested with a smile. "We can even have some cool drinks!"

Oh, how I am craving a cold, sparkling drink right now.

Isabella smiled back, nodding. "That would be lovely."

As they made their way through the long corridors of the manor, Irene and Isabella continued to converse about various things. During their chatter, the two happened across a small figure several metres ahead, wandering around with a troubled expression on his face.

"Who could that be?" Isabella asked, as the two girls focused their attention onto the young man. For a moment, he seemed unfamiliar. But Irene soon realised who he was.

It was Haren, one of the twin sons of House Firventia, and Rayvis' friend who would often visit alongside his brother, Ivan. Although Irene wasn't especially friendly with the twins, she often played with them when she was an infant, and was well acquainted with the two - since their mother was her etiquette teacher.

Haren was a timid boy, who had trouble talking to others because he was so shy. With large amber eyes which resembled a soft puppy's, and fluffy auburn hair that mirrored his mother's. Haren's long bangs concealed his right eye almost completely, and his brown hair curled in tufts around his head. Below his left eye, was a little beauty spot.

What's he doing here, wandering around on his own? Irene questioned in her mind, confused as she and Isabella headed toward him. It was rare to see Haren all by himself - since he was like a puppy that followed his brother everywhere. Every time she would see him when he came to visit, he was always with Ivan and Rayvis.

"Haren?" Irene called out, catching the boy's attention and causing him to flinch in startlement. As she and Isabella approached, the boy felt slightly relieved.

"Oh, Miss Irene..." he exhaled slowly, but the troubled expression on his face didn't fade. "And, Miss Isabella... It's good to see you well."

As Irene and Isabella exchanged glances, they couldn't ignore how the timid boy in front of them kept his gaze glued to the floor, with such a forlorn expression. In a way, he looked like a damsel in distress.

"Is something wrong?" Irene asked him, peering into the boy's face as he stepped back from her sudden closeness.

"A-Ah... It's nothing-" he faltered, facing her, before remembering why he was there in the first place. "Um- Have you seen my brother, by any chance?"

"Your brother?" Irene repeated, tilting her head slightly. "We haven't seen him... Isn't he usually with you and Rayvis?"

Haren frowned, his head drooping down as his voice became even sadder. "That's the thing... I think brother Ivan is mad at me..."

Mad?! Irene couldn't help but feel shocked at those words. Haren was like a quiet little lamb, there was no way he would ever do something to make someone mad.

"Ever since yesterday, Ivan started to ignore me when I tried to speak to him... H-He even came here to visit Rayvis without me, and so I followed him... but I can't find him anywhere."

Haren's voice began to crack as though he was on the verge of tears, and both Isabella and Irene became slightly startled by the boy's burst of emotions.

"P-Please don't be sad, Sir Haren!" Isabella interjected, placing a hand on his shoulder in attempt to comfort him. Although they had only met a few times in passing, it was Isabella's nature to want to help people whenever they were feeling troubled.

On the other hand, Irene's expression was mostly uninterested. It sounds like the twins had a fight... I don't really want to get involved in this...

Ah, I really wanna go drink something refreshing right now.

Meanwhile, Haren's eyes were brimming with tears and sparkling like a sad puppy. "B-But Ivan is mad at me... He's never like this... What did I do wrong?"

It wasn't long till tears streamed down the timid boy's face. Even though he was three years older than Irene, he felt like more of a child than she was. Perhaps it was because she was mentally an adult.

As Irene stood there aloof, Isabella brought out a handkerchief and started to gently dab his tears. Her kind expression was like a nurturing mother's.

"Don't worry, Haren. We'll help you solve things with your brother," Isabella smiled reassuringly, as she took one of his hands in hers. She then glanced at the white-haired girl beside her, who flinched. "Right, Irene?"

Irene was silent for a moment, her eyes telling Isabella. "I really don't want to... They'll make up anyway..."

But the winsome smile on Isabella's face was so overbearingly bright, it was practically glowing and blinding her. Irene knew even as the author, not even she could say no to the heroine.

"Hah... Alright..." Irene sighed in defeat, much to Isabella's pleasure.

"Great!" Isabella beamed, squeezing Haren's hand in hers, and finally putting a stop to his tears. He was now smiling and gazing at the two with hope shining in his irises.

"T-Thank you, Miss Irene and Miss Isabella...!"
"Now then," Isabella began, turning to Irene, who was internally crying because of how badly she wanted a nice, cold drink. "How should we approach this?"

That damn Ivan... Why did he have to go and make his brother cry! Now I can't go and relax until they've made up.

Irene heaved a small sigh. "I'll go find Ivan and try to talk to him," she said, her golden eyes shifting to Haren. "Do you have any idea as to why he might be upset?"

Haren thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "He just started ignoring me all of a sudden... Even though he was just fine before..."

Irene thought about it for a moment. Ivan was a mischievous kid who liked to play pranks, unlike his shy brother. There was a chance he was just playing a joke on Haren, but that probably wasn't the case.

Although Ivan was a cheeky brat, he wouldn't stand for any harm to come to his brother. No one cared more for Haren than he did, that was for sure.

"I'll go and find out what's causing this," Irene thought, before turning to walk down the hall. She glanced at Isabella, before smiling. "Will you keep Haren company while I'm gone?"

Isabella nodded her head. "Of course," she beamed, turning to the timid boy with a radiant smile. "Let's wait in the parlour room down the hall. I'm sure Irene will find him in no time!"

   Haren nodded reluctantly, following Isabella as he glanced back at Irene with concern visible on his face. Irene offered him a smile to assure him, waiting for the two children to disappear into the nearby room.

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