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   A heavy silence filled the room, grave expressions plastered to the faces of those gathered in Irene's bed chambers. Her feverish symptoms had gotten worse - sweat trickling down pale and sickly white skin, as her breathing grew more and more strained.

Rudien's fingers were cold as his hands balled into fists, but he knew he needed to remain composed. He hated the sight of his daughter's suffering, and tore his crimson eyes away from her with both reluctance and grief.

Not even ten minutes ago, Rayvis and the others had returned with urgency that sent the entire estate into an uproar of worry. Carried immediately by her brother to her room, he quickly instructed the first knights he saw to alert Rudien of what happened. Isabella was escorted safely home by a few Cherliann soldiers, but she was also wrought with worry.

Whilst many remained lax in their attitudes, thinking this awakening would be like any other and their young mistress would wake up very soon - the truth remained unbeknownst to them.

Thankfully, the grand sage was already within the estate when it happened. He went and tended to Irene immediately, stabilising her unpredictable state.

His hands deftly glided over the air with a circle of light dancing at his fingertips, a gold disk of magic levitating over Irene's body and placating her body's instability.

"I've placed a few spells on her to absorb any magic that is leaking from her body and causing harm," River broke the silence, his silver-rimmed spectacles glinting under the dim light. "...But we don't have much time. Sooner or later, it will grow much stronger."

Everyone had calmed down at the sight of Irene's strained expression relaxing slightly - but she still appeared to have plunged into a deep sleep. One they were afraid she wouldn't wake up from.

"So, then..." After another long moment of silence, Rayvis' voice was the first to break it. His eyes glided over to the corner of the room, fixed on an individual in the area who didn't quite fit.

"...Is someone going to explain why there's a giant chicken here?"

For a moment, they were all confused. But when their eyes landed on Snow - his plumage ruffled with rage.

"Chicken?! Where are you seeing a chicken?? I'm a grand and divine Phoenix! The only Phoenix you'll ever see in your puny lives-"

"It's noisy too." Mikael remarked, sighing.

Snow found himself stunned. The nerve of these boys, at a time like this. And after all this time he had been watching them from Irene's side - he never thought this was the way they would address him once he finally made himself known.

"All you humans are worse than my Sprout!" He shouted, his elegant dress of feathers growing stiff with aggravation.

"Snow. This isn't the time and place for your antics," River reprimanded the bird with a serious intonation. "We need to finish our explanation."

Sensing his words brooked no dissent, Snow straightened his back, as those beady golden eyes landed on Irene's body. Her snow-white skin took a sickly pallor, and her silvery hair stuck to her face with sweat.

That's right... This is no time for me to be horsing around.

I need to protect her.

"Okay. You ignorant little humans better listen closely." Snow raised his wings, a majestic spread of feathers as large and wispy as cirrus clouds. He gracefully lifted his body before perching himself upon the bottom frame of Irene's bed.

Mikael, Rayvis and Daniel stared at him keenly, knowing there was going to be importance in the spirit's words. Despite their lack of respect for his equally condescending attitude, everyone in the room heeded their attention towards the phoenix.

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