55.5 | Passage of Time

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   "It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Duke Cherliann."

Eyes, shimmering like the ocean waves of a stormy night — were piercing into the soul of a man who was feared by the entire nation. When Rudien was first called to House Atlan — he certainly hadn't anticipated the first prince would approach him so forwardly. Not to mention, the boy seemed to have no sense of fear and remained unfazed even in the intimidating man's presence.

Rudien Alpheus Cherliann — infamously known for his monstrous capabilities on the battlefield, and the endless lakes of blood spilled by his sword. Those eyes of his were as red as the crimson he carved out of his enemies, silver hair glinting like sharp blades under the light.

The weapon of Laydel. A man unrivalled in his physical prowess. And an individual who was nearly impossible to read.

Who would have thought — this famous man would turn up at Daniel's door within only two days of him sending a letter with his request? As the ebony-haired prince planted himself on the leather sofa opposite where the duke was sat, he could feel those hawk-like eyes clinically observing every one of his moves.

"Likewise, Your Highness." Although Rudien had his questions, it didn't stop him from showing the proper respect towards a son of the man he had sworn all loyalty to. The duke solemnly bowed his head in deep courtesy.

Daniel waited for Rudien to sit upright again, taking on the same stern and composed demeanour he had been trying to keep up. Of course, he was concealing his anxiousness incredibly well — so much so that it was able to fool even the Duke of Cherliann.

It was like being a tiny garden snake in the presence of a lethally powerful serpent. But the first prince managed to keep his calm whilst reminding himself that this was the man who was protecting Mikael.

As long as he keeps my brother safe, I can trust him.

"So..." Rudien laid back on the leather sofa, crossing his long arms and leaning one leg over the other. "Why is that you called me here, Prince Daniel?"

His broad shoulders and imposing presence felt even more domineering when he relaxed a little bit — but Daniel could tell he was likely trying to get to the point. The boy shook off his feelings of nervousness and held the duke's clinical gaze.

"For starters, I wanted to thank you for protecting this empire once again," The young man spoke out, and Rudien was slightly surprised by those words. "You have been working the hardest out of everyone in order to maintain peace in this nation... For that, you have my gratitude, Your Grace."

...He's much different to what I expected. Rudien glazed his eyes over the prince's expression in silence for a moment — again, eyeing him like a hawk in search of any weakness. But the prince was holding his ground well, even in the presence of this frightening man.

A small smile reached the edges of Rudien's lips. He's nothing like you, Theo.

Your son might be seventy times more serious than you ever were.

"I only carried out my duties as the emperor's vassal," Rudien closed his eyes, the hint of a smile disappearing as he kept up the indifferent, difficult-to-read attitude about him. "Protecting the empire is a part of my oath. I'll gladly lay down my life for it."

Daniel held his breath. An oath... Could it be that he swore loyalty to my father in the past? He wondered about this for a moment, but decided to move on because it seemed like the duke liked getting things straight to the point.

"In any case, since you received my letter you must know the main reason I wanted to meet you," the prince held his hands together, and Rudien's eyes widened slightly in bemusement when the ebony-haired boy stood up from his seat. All of a sudden, Daniel bowed his head so deeply he almost fell forward. "Please teach me how to become as strong as you!"

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