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  "Thank you for your hospitality over the past week. I know that it's sudden, but we must rush back to Laydel at once."

Rayvis bowed elegantly as the village chief stroked his beard with a gentle smile. "It was an honour. We share the same blood, so please feel free to visit Pelto again any time. If possible, I'd love to meet this new Saintess someday."

Only an hour had passed since Mikael alerted the other knights about the spirit stone moving from its place. The altar within the temple was now vacant - and the very valued relic said to be completely frozen in place, truly did disappear from sight.

As a result, the group swiftly prepared their horses and decided to head back as quickly as possible. A desperate desire to see Irene Cherliann healthy again urged Rayvis and the princes to make ways immediately.

Daniel held the reins of his horse as he quietly waited for Rayvis to finish saying his goodbyes. It was then that something gently tugged on the hem of his cloak.

He cast his gaze downwards to see little Roan staring up at him - emerald eyes brimming with tears.

"Are you going away already...? But we didn't get to play for long... What if you forget about me?"

The prince offered him a warm smile. Tenderly tousling the boy's hair, Daniel kneeled down to face Roan properly.

"I wouldn't forget you. And of course we will meet again," He gently tilted his head, and strands of dark hair fell forward as a look of mirth flickered over his eyes. "You said you'd marry the sick princess, remember? I'll be there to congratulate you on the wedding day."

Roan's cheeks puffed into a pout. "Hmm... I don't want to marry her anymore. I don't even know who she is. You marry her instead, Dan-eel!"

But my proposal didn't go so well, was what he wanted to say, but Daniel only chuckled softly before standing up. "Hm, if that happens, I'll be the one who sends you an invitation."

The child's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Really?! It's okay for me to go to your wedding?!"

"Why wouldn't it be? We're friends now. I'd love to be surrounded by everyone I care about on such a special day."

Although he was only playing along to bring a smile to Roan's face, a pang of guilt filled his chest when the child held out his pinky finger. "That's a promise!"

A promise, huh...

His smile wavered for a moment.

I'm sorry, Roan...

Daniel gently hooked his gloved pinky around the silver-haired child's.

"Yes. It's a promise."

...I'm sorry.

Finally, after saying their goodbyes, the small division of knights leapt astride their horses, and began to head back to Laydel.

"In the end, it seems like all our efforts were in vain," One of the knights lamented with a sigh, staring up into the clouds as his horse followed the flow of the group. "The lion spirit flew right over to the princess on its own, just like the legend suggested. Was there even a need for us to come all the way out here for it?"

"You might be right, but I think our journey wasn't completely fruitless. It seems like the young master and the princes have learned something important." Another knight responded, staring ahead at the three figures as they silently moved forwards.

For some reason, they had been notably tense and quiet. That was to be expected, considering they were probably all anticipating the moment Irene woke up after being on the verge of dying from her own uncontrollable mana. Now that the lion spirit had found its way to Irene, they didn't need to worry about getting her power under control. And so, her awakening would soon come to an end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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