81 | Time Limit

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   "How was this thing supposed to work again...?"

Nasriel's brows furrowed, her hands gingerly working around the strange spherical device River had given the group before their departure. It was a newly-developed communication device that allowed them to relay information and hear the voices of people from hundreds of miles away. Powered by mana and built with many intricate pieces, it was definitely not the easiest thing to work out.

Casting a sidelong glance at her from several metres behind, stood Mikael. He leaned against the doorframe and veered his attention to the open sky. The group had made it swiftly out of the forest, taking a break at an inn as they waited for Daniel and Rayvis to catch up. At the same time, they prepared to give their daily reports to Rudien through the communicator.

The next few minutes were spent in prolonged silence as Mikael's listless gaze fixed to the parting clouds. Sunlight gushed from between the cracks, its radiance cupped by a thick vessel of white clouds. Somehow, the sight of it reminded him of Irene.

Right now, she was sharing a similar fate to this sky. A strong, limitless power unable to be contained by her little body. Mikael's lips pressed into a straight line - wondering how she would handle the life that awaited her.

When she woke up, Irene Cherliann was not going to live the same life she once did. She was no longer just the daughter of a duke who lived in the lap of luxury.

Her importance to this empire was vital enough to say, it was likely God himself handpicked her for this role.

...If that's the case...

Mikael's gaze fell, landing on the palm of his hand. His beautiful features twisted with a pained grimace.

...I need to step out of her life.

"Ah! They're back!"

The voice of one of the knights resounded from outside, and Mikael glanced up at the sight of two men astride their horses approaching the inn. Nasriel approached the door, peeking her head from behind the second prince and finding Daniel and Rayvis. Their horses clopped out a staccato as they slowed to a stop, gracefully dismounting and allowing the other knights to take the stallions towards the inn's stables.

The grim looks on there faces seemed almost ominous.

"Thank goodness you're here! Your Highness- I still can't seem to get this thing to work!" Nasriel smiled sheepishly, holding out the communication device and handing it to Daniel.

He blinked at it for a moment, his expression unmoving. Then with a single fluid movement, the prince raised his hand and pressed a highly conspicuous, red-glossed button on the device. Nasriel smiled awkwardly, realising he was giving her a look that said "you could have figured that one out on your own."

In a flash, the holographic image of an impatient silver-haired man took form.

"What took you so long?" Rudien's displeased voice was slightly frazzled by the poor connection, but still sounded as intimidating as ever. Nasriel still winced hearing it even after serving under him for over a decade. Too petrified to deal with Rudien's wrath, she thrust it into the young heir's chest.

Taking the device deftly into his hands, Rayvis glossed over the matter with a guileless smile. "Now now, Father. You have such a terrible way of expressing your worry. It's okay to admit you missed us."

Rudien heaved a sigh and sounded even more annoyed than before, but maintained his stoicism and moved straight to the point. "So? Where are you all now?"

"We just made it through Cledin Forest. Two more days, and we'll reach Pelto," Rayvis explained. "Oh. We also happened across a dark mage and killed him on site."

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