61 | White Aster

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   The sun's scorching heat was unrelenting at high noon, leaving the people below victim to its light - drenched in their own sweat and desperate for cool relief.

Days drew nearer to the grand event taking place at the main palace - which had been closed off for a decade and half. Prince Daniel's return would reopen the home of the imperial family, and with this single, sudden banquet - Laydel would finally have their heir to the throne again.

"Ah, so you're out here." A voice called out from behind, as Mikael threw his sword to the grass beneath his feet, standing in front of a row of straw dolls he had completely demolished. As the blonde turned his head, a familiar silver-haired man approached him, his smile only leaving the prince to sigh.

So he's returned home from his expedition.

"If you're looking for Irene, she's getting her dress fitted right now." The boy sighed softly, sapphire eyes focused on the rows of wrecked dummies in front of him. He wasn't even breathless after ruining so many - but that was normal for the men trained under Rudien Cherliann.

"I know, I'll wait for her to finish. I came here to talk to you." Rayvis seemed amused, his long silver hair swaying as he leaned against the nearby fence. His tall, lean figure was dressed loosely in clothes fit for training in the summer heat.

"About what?" Mikael turned away, already sensing the young man's smirk behind him.

"You aren't going to ask me about Daniel?"

He remained quiet for a moment, but kept his back to Rayvis. "Is there a reason for me to? I see him again soon anyway."

"If you mean the ball, you'll have hardly any time together. You do realise his return is going to jeopardise your position?" Rayvis glanced upwards, staring at a giant cloud as it swept beneath the sun. The world darkened almost immediately, as sunlight disappeared past the white fortress overhead.

"I couldn't care less about that. I never wanted to be a prince, and sure as hell don't wish to rule this empire, or fight my brother for it." Mikael finally glanced back at Rayvis, his expression dull as always, but there was a glint in his eyes.

"Daniel plans on having you move into the palace to live with him."

"Well, he's a fool if he thinks I would do that."

"What will you do then? You know you can't stay at House Cherliann forever."

Mikael paused, silent for a moment. His fingers digging into his palms, as he turned to face Rayvis with an indifferent expression, but some sort of determination was also there. "I'll continue to live here until I've finished my studies under the Duke. Then when the time is right, I'll renounce my right to the throne, and leave Laydel - for good."

Rayvis' lips were pressed into a straight line, and there was very little shock upon hearing those words. Of course, both he and Rudien had long predicted this was the course of action the second prince would take.

Mikael never wanted to be in Laydel. Even if he was earning political support now - it was abundantly because of the influence of House Cherliann. But everyone knew, it wouldn't be easy for him to continue staying here. As a prince, his duties were to stay with the empire and make a contribution.

But Mikael was not that type.

"You know," Rayvis finally spoke. "Irene will be upset about this."

"I'm aware of that," Mikael's voice quietened ever so slightly, as though she were the only thread holding him back. "But it's fine, I'm not leaving any time soon. Not until Daniel has officially been throned, and Irene has taken the position of his empress."

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