27 | Summer Flowers

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   After traversing the streets and trying out numerous games, Irene's stomach began to churl. Just as this happened, the savoury smell of a familiar food wafted into her nostrils. She was reminded of traditional Asian foods she enjoyed back in her previous life, and it made her mouth water.

As she began looking around for the source of the smell, Irene noticed a small stall located near an open park. Her eyes then caught a glimpse of meat and vegetables pierced into skewers.

Kebabs! She beamed, her mouth watering. I haven't had those in so long! As she turned to River and Rayvis, who were storing all of the prizes away with River's spatial magic, Irene turned toward them.

"Can we go eat from that stall?" She asked with twinkling eyes. Meanwhile, Snow perched onto River's head, with candy floss stuck to his beak, but both Irene and the mage ignored him.

"Sure, it smells delicious," Rayvis smiled, his mid-length silver hair curling around his neck as he tilted his head. "I'll have some too."

"Okay then, let's go!" As the young siblings headed excitedly to the lit-up stall, River's eyes narrowed. He waited for Rayvis to be out of hearing range, before staring up at the phoenix on his head.

"And just where have you been? Your beak is covered with candy." He sighed, adjusting the glasses on his nose.

"What, just 'cos I'm a spirit, I can't eat delicious food?" The bird retorted.

River shook his head, following after Irene and Rayvis, who were now buying skewers. "You never do change."

"I thought you liked me just the way I am." Snow pouted, and River displayed a look of disgust on his face.

"Huh? I never said that. Don't say something so misleading!"

Snow only laughed in response. "Why? Was my human form that horrendous?"

"How could it be, when you look exactly like Irene." River's face became nonchalant. "Except... a boy."

Snow's feathered tail swayed softly as he chuckled. Despite not showing his human form to Irene yet, the resemblance was uncanny.

As Irene sat beside her brother, happily savouring the flavoursome, tender cuts of steak and grilled peppers, she smiled as Snow and River started to catch up with them.

River then started to converse with Rayvis, who was finished with his skewers. His mid-length silver hair shone elegantly under the light, and when Irene noticed it, she pulled his hood up from behind.

"Ah-" he smiled at her. "Thanks, Rene."

The silver hair of duke Cherliann is very rare, so anyone could recognise Rayvis if they saw it. Irene thought, as he went back to his conversation with River. He was nagging me so much earlier to stay hidden, but now he's let his guard down.

As Irene finished her kebab, she decided that it was so delicious, she wanted another one. And so, she stood up from her seat and headed to the stall that was a few metres away, ensuring Rayvis was still in her line of sight.

As she approached the radiantly-lit stall, her eyes caught a glimpse of a boy who appeared to be waiting to order. He wore a black newsboy cap on a head of raven hair, and his attire resembled that of any normal commoner.

As she glanced at him from behind, Irene noticed the young stranger was looking upwards at the price board, but she didn't pay much attention to him.

"Excuse me! May I have another skewer please?" She asked, handing a silver coin to the man running the stall.

"Coming right up, Miss!" The man smiled, before his eyes glanced at the boy beside her. "What about you, young man? You gonna order or what?"

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