30 | Icicle Eyes

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   A single autumn leaf fluttered from its branch and danced through the empty air

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   A single autumn leaf fluttered from its branch and danced through the empty air. The flash of red spiraled silently to the bottom of the window, as Mikael watched it disappear. His blonde, wolffish hair streaked across his face and over those deep, dark blue irises. His slim and brittle white body lifelessly laying upon the bed of his prison-like room.

Brother is gone... Was the only thought that echoed through his mind. We didn't even get to say goodbye...

As he clutched the loose collar of his giant white shirt, Mikael gritted his teeth, curling up into a ball. The air was cold and silent, but his body was burning up, and his ears were ringing relentlessly.

The little boy spluttered suddenly - his coughs rattling through his ribcage. He half-buried his face into the sheets of his bed, gasping violently as he tried to tame the fever that seized his body. The silence was broken by his hacking surges of air.

It was only after hearing him suffer that the door of his room opened, and Mikael froze in place. His body shuddered at the sound of those heels clacking on the floor, slowly but surely, approaching his bed.

He didn't have to look or hear the voice of the person who was approaching from behind. He knew full well who it was.

"It seems your fever hasn't let up yet," the cold, raspy voice of a haggard old woman said, with a composed yet venomous tone. "What a repulsive child. Attracting diseases the moment you're about to be sent to live at a duke's grand manor."

Mikael clenched his eyes shut, his weak body shuddering from the pain as his face reddened and broke into a cold sweat. The boy was still gasping for air, unable to say anything to the tall, skinny old woman.

It was from this silence that all of a sudden, anger flared in the woman's expression, as she violently grabbed the boy, seizing his hair and shirt, yanking him up from the bed.

"Who do you think you are, to ignore me?!" She roared through her curled upper lip, malice dripping from every word she said as she spoke through gritted teeth. "Have you forgotten who I am?"

The boy could only gasp in pain as she twisted his head, making him choke and cry out.

"N-No... Ms Cather..." He squeaked, his voice stuck in a burning throat as tears streamed down his deep, lapis-blue eyes.

The woman snarled at the pathetic sight before her, and threw the boy against the wall. He slid to the ground, coughing as he felt his body almost crack at the impact.

She then dug her wrinkly hand into a pocket, adjusting her spectacles before throwing a vial of pills at the boy. It hit his chest, before landing in his lap.

"Take those and get rid of that disgusting fever. You need to be in your best appearance when we move to the Cherliann manor," she snarled, before walking toward the doorway to leave.

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