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[ 'cause i'm here all alone,
i know i can't wait till you get home ]



I held the cafe door open so others could pass through before making my way over to my best friend.


"Hey." He replied, standing up to give me a polite kiss on my cheek. "You look pretty."

"I slept four hours. I look like a cadaver." I say, taking my seat next to Drew.

"Super-hot cadaver."

"It's cause I occasionally teach my mom's barre classes and I only get to eat one fun thing a week."

"What's your fun thing?"

"Donuts at grief group."

He gives me a look of pure shock. "Jesus."

I sighed. "I know."

"Well, as long as we're not having fun there's something I need to talk to you about."


"Taylor wants to get the advice column going again."

I hesitated due to the fact that I wasn't expecting those words to come out of his mouth. "I just don't feel like the same person who wrote that anymore."

Drew nodded his head. "I get it, but I'd love for you to still write it as whoever you are now."

I smirked. "You're a good editor." One look at his facial expression caused me to giggle "And you're a really good friend." I added.

"And that is a yes?" Drew pressed on.

"That's an, 'I'll think about it.'"

"Okay. Thinking cadaver."


After finishing up my slot at the studio, Jules and I were left to clear up. She was mopping the floor and I was folding up towels.

I glanced over and saw my sister checking herself out in the mirror. I let out a laugh. "You just checked yourself out didn't you?"

"Yes I did." She laughed back. "Hey, did you manage to go to your apartment?"

"Uhm, I didn't have time." I say, folding up more towels.

"I'm outta clothes, I'm gonna have to teach naked." She pressed, mopping the floor.

"Yeah well I don't know what to tell you Jules. You're asking me to do something that I can't do." I say as I blew my hair out of my face.

"I'm just tryna help." She said, her voice rising.

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I know what helping looks like, I had to do it for you for 13 years as you were too wasted to help yourself."

She propped the mop up against the wall. "Are you gonna name every mistake that I made? Should I get comfortable?"

I sighed.

thinking 'bout you  | lando norris Where stories live. Discover now