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[ i try to make it through the night,
but i can't control my mind ]



Sunday had finally rolled around which meant it was race day along with Avia's birthday to which the other drivers helped me prepare a surprise party for after we finished at the track.

I zipped up my race suit and was about to put on my helmet when I spotted Avia out of the corner of my eye with her phone in her hand.

"Thank you for that." She smiled. "Good luck out there." She said, kissing the top of my head before walking away. Her action left me dazed for a while until I realised that I had to be on the grid in 5 minutes. I quickly placed the helmet on my head and made my way on to the grid ready for lights out.



I skipped over to Charlotte, giggling at the photo of Lando I had just taken.

"What are you laughing at?" Charlotte asked.

"I caught Lando off guard and took a picture of him." I laughed. Behind Charlotte, I saw Drew shoot me a look to which I shot one back as I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Anyway, how has your birthday been so far?" Drew asked me as we placed a set of headphones over our ears. We decided to watch the race from the garage to get the full experience and I honestly couldn't have asked for a better birthday present.

"If I'm honest, it's been amazing." I smiled.


The race had finally finished with Lando in p4 and me and the team couldn't be any prouder. It was such a good result for the McLaren team and I was happy to be sharing this moment with them. I lifted the headphones off of my head and awaited Lando's arrival.

He finally walked into the garage with his messy helmet hair and I wasted no time throwing myself into his arms. "I'm so proud of you!" I smiled. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

He hugged me tighter, "Thank you Av."

I pulled myself out of his arms and allowed him
to get changed ready for the team meeting. I made my way into the hospitality and decided to wait for the others to filter in. I was quite upset that Lando hadn't wished me a happy birthday yet. Maybe he was just too busy racing? Maybe he just forgot? I shook my head to rid the thoughts as some of the team started walking in ready for the last task of the day.


"Av, are you ready?" Lando shouted.

"Almost!" I replied. When me and Lando arrived back at the hotel from the track, he told me to get ready and wear something formal. I had no idea what he was planning so instead of asking questions, I got ready and told myself to just wait and see what happened.

I wore a tight black dress which came up to my thighs and I wore my hair up in a high ponytail with some dark red lipstick. I finished up my makeup and walked out to the front room ready to leave.

Lando as per usual was wearing a linen shirt but this time it was black. I had to admit that he looked good....and smelt really good.

thinking 'bout you  | lando norris Where stories live. Discover now