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[ got me losing my breath, nobody
got me the way that you did ]



I woke up to the smell of pancakes, stretching my arms I removed the duvet off of myself and rubbed my eyes.

"Good Morning." I heard Lando say. I muttered a 'good morning' back, making my way over to where Lando slept.

Lando had been kind enough to let me sleep in the bedroom whilst he took the bed in the front room. I smiled and sat cross legged on the bed, pulling the duvet around my shoulders -- getting a brief smell of Lando's scent. Man, he smelt good.

He handed me my plate of pancakes where as he settled with a fruit pot and some yoghurt. Tonight was the night of the party, and I was quite nervous but I would have Drew and Lando to accompany me. Until then, I didn't really have anything else to do.


After facetiming my mum and sister, I hopped into the shower to freshen myself up as the party was in less than an hour. I threw on some leggings and a sweatshirt, blasting music from the speaker whilst dancing as Lando was at the McLaren hospitality.

I was too caught up in dancing to notice that Lando had come back. "It's Friday then, it's Saturday Sunday what!" I sang, as I spun myself around, then noticing Lando standing by the door, phone in his hand recording me.

I gave him a look. "Lando. You better delete that video."

He gave a cheeky smile and shook his head, I then made my way over to him slowly but he knew what I was doing and he took off in a sprint down the hallway of the hotel. "Lando! Get back here!" I yelled, running after him. I didn't do track in school for nothing.

We ran down countless of stairs as after all, we were only on the first floor. I could hear Lando giggling as he waved his phone around. I just shook my head and kept racing after him -- I was gaining on him. We had now made it to the lobby, Lando still being ahead but not for long as he tripped, causing me to laugh. I was laughing that much that I didn't even realise I was right behind him and before I knew it, we both collapsed onto the cold floor in a fit of giggles.

Someone then cleared their throat. Our heads turned upwards to see a security guard looking down on us. "I've been watching you two, this hotel isn't for couples to play kiss chase aight."

I felt my cheeks go red at his words. Me and Lando weren't a couple. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." Lando said, helping me off the floor. I brushed myself over whilst nodding my head to show the security guard I agreed.

He finally left us alone, leaving me and Lando to go back to our room. I let out a nervous laugh. "You're lucky we didn't get kicked out."

"Oh come on, it was a bit of fun." I rolled my eyes as Lando pulled my arm heading for the stairs.

"I just need to go to the bathroom quickly." I said pulling myself out of his grip. Lando nodded his head. "I'll see you up there then."

After finishing up in the bathroom I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my leggings. I took it out and read the notification.

landonorris mentioned you in their story

I smiled to myself. I'm going to kill him.



I dressed myself in a white linen shirt, paired with a pair of black jeans. I put a little gel in my hair, making sure to leave one curl isolated as it sat on my forehead.

I checked the time and saw that we had to leave soon, I made my way over to Avia's bedroom door and knocked.  "Av, we have to leave now." I wanted to leave a bit early so I could introduce Avia to the driver's and their partner's which hopefully she'll get along with.

"Oh, wait for me downstairs then, I won't be a minute." I heard her say.

"I'll wait for you at the bottom of the stairs." And with that I left the room, making my way back down to the lobby -- where me and Avia had so called played 'kiss chase' according to the security guard.

A couple minutes later I heard the heels of Avia's shoes at the top of the stairs, my face falling on her figure as she made her way down. My mouth was agape as I took in her beauty, she was wearing a stunning Emerald Green dress, the top being short sleeved where as the skirt draped along the floor just a little, a slit on the left side showed her leg and a bit further up. It sat perfectly on her frame, hugging her body in all the right places. Her hair was in a half up half down hairdo, some strands left to sit on her forehead, framing her face.

She stood at the bottom of the stairs. "You alright Lando? It looks like you've lost your breath." She let out a little giggle. And I did. Seeing her dress like that had knocked all the air out from my body. Nobody got me the way that she did.


thinking 'bout you  | lando norris Where stories live. Discover now