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[ no you love me so good,
i wish you would hurry up and come back ]



I stood holding Avia's hair back as she continuously threw up in the toilet. Our little innuendo on the dancefloor made me feel giddy inside but I didn't want to bring it up just incase Avia regretted it. After all, we were drunk and usually you regret a lot of things in said state of mind.

Avia finally finished up and rested her back on the wall of the cubicle. She let out a groan and held her arms out to me. "Up." She sounded tired and weak so very carefully I picked her up and carried her out of the toilets and back to where the drivers were situated -- by now she had completely passed out, her head resting on my chest.

"Yo is she okay?" Max asked.

"Yeah, she's just tired so I'm gonna take her back to the hotel. I'm sure she enjoyed seeing you all again."

"Tell her we're happy to see her again too. Have fun mate, bye."

I said a goodbye back before making my way outside to my rental car.


I shut the door to Avia's bedroom letting her sleep before changing out of my clothes and getting myself into my bed.

A few minutes went by when I heard a sound in the kitchen. I sat up and saw it was Avia. "Av, what are you doing up?"

She didn't answer me and instead came and sat on my bed, her breath shaking. "I just want him to come back." She whispered, voice breaking as if she was about to cry.

My heart broke at her words. I pulled her into my chest, gently rocking side to side to try and calm her. Although she was drunk, I knew that her thoughts were sober.

"Can you sleep in my room tonight?" She asked.

I simply nodded my head and we made our way towards her room. We both got into bed, her nestling into my side. I kept my arm around her as I drifted off to sleep.



Today was Friday and that meant it was free practice along with practice and quali from Formula 2 which I also enjoyed watching on race weekends. My job also started today, with basic training but nevertheless, I was really excited for it. It also gave me an excuse to see Charlotte again and catch up with her.

I finished getting dressed -- my head throbbing due to the alcohol I had consumed last night and thankfully Lando felt alright otherwise he would of been in a lot of trouble with McLaren.

I made my way into the kitchen, filling up my glass with water and taking some paracetamol. "How are you feeling?" Lando asked me smirking.

"I feel like shit but I just took some paracetamol so hopefully the headache fades during the day." I gave a hopeful smile.

"That's good then. I'll show you the ropes of the McLaren garage and the hospitality before I go out on track. Have you eaten?"

I shook my head. "A little but I'm not that hungry. I might eat something when I'm there though."

Lando nodded his head. "Alright. Are you ready then? We've also got to pick up Drew."

I finished my drink and placed it in the sink. "Yeah, lemme just grab my bag." I walked into my bedroom and picked up my bag and phone, meeting up with Lando as we made our way to the car.


Once the car was parked, Lando, Drew and I stepped out, scanning our passes to enter the paddock. By now I was fully awake and taking in everything that was going on -- like the roaring engines coming from the Formula 2 cars as they were out doing their practice session.

"The sounds of those cars are unbelievable." Drew spoke up.

I looked at him and a little giggle escaped my lips. "Have you not seen Formula 2?"

"Nope, but I might need to."

"Oh you should. Sometimes I even think it's better than F1." I teased, looking over at Lando. He scowled which caused me to smirk. "I'm joking, but it is really fun to watch."

We arrived at the McLaren garage, Lando greeting everyone with a smile and a handshake whilst my best friend and I sort of stood at the entrance. I wasn't one for socialising in school, I had my group of my friends which I had known for years so there was no reason to get nervous but being around new people made me feel tense and shy.

Lando glanced my way so I gave him a smile to which he beckoned me to come over. I reached his side and flashed him a smile, trying to avoid as much eye contact as I could to whoever was standing in front of us.

"Jon, this is Avia my new PR manager. Although you may remember her as Caleb's wife." Lando said.

I watched as Jon's face lit up. "Ah yes, it's been a while."

Lando turned to me. "Avia, this is Jon. My trainer."

"Nice to meet you I smiled." Shaking Jon's hand.

Lando then placed his hand on my back and excused us as we made our way over to another guy. "Avia this is Will, he's my race-"

"AVIA!" I turned at the sound of Charlotte's voice. A smile grew onto my lips as I made eye contact with her and I didn't hesitate to run over and embrace her.

"Omg it's so good to see you." She said.

I let out a little laugh. "It's been a while."

"It has but I'm just glad you're okay."

I smiled at her words as I saw Lando walking towards us. "Hey Charlotte. Can I have Avia back? I haven't finished introducing her to everyone."

Charlotte smirked. "Nope can do I'm afraid. You need to get ready because you are due in the car soon so I will finish the tour."

Lando huffed and rolled his eyes. "Alright fine," before making his way into his driver's room to change into his race suit.

I giggled as Lando left in a mood. He was such a child. I was finally introduced to Mark, Bert, Michael and Kyle who all have different jobs when it came to the car. They are a lovely bunch of people and I was happy that with my new job, I'd be surrounded by them. A welcoming and friendly atmosphere is what they brought to the garage, ensuring that everyone felt welcomed and not scared.

"Right, well that was everyone." Charlotte said as she smiled at me.

"They look like really nice and friendly people." I said looking at my best friend conversing with Michael who works on the rear end of the car.

"Oh they're a lovely bunch but they're not on my side as I take care of Carlos. Speaking of, we should watch the practice session in the hospitality and grab a bite to eat. What do you say?"

A smile crept up onto my face. "I'd love too. Drew, are you coming?"


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