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[ have my eyes rolling back
and me arching my back ]



We pulled up to the party and I could already hear the music from inside. Me and Lando briefly stepped out of the car and headed over to the building.

Once inside, my eyes fell upon everyone that was there and I suddenly started to feel sick with nerves. Edging closer to Lando, I could tell he sensed something was wrong so he gently placed a hand on my lower back and pulled me into his side. I smiled at the gesture.

I looked in front of me and saw that we were approaching the drivers. The drivers I hadn't seen since Caleb died. My body froze and Lando turned to me. "You'll be okay and you're with me so if anything goes wrong I'll step in. Plus, I'm sure the drivers would love to see you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded my head, I could already see Drew chatting to Daniel and I smiled at the sight. As we approached the grid, their heads all turned to look at both me and Lando. "Hello guys."

"Ayy Lando, nice to see you here." Carlos spoke up.

"Is this your girlfriend? I didn't know a kid like you could pull a girl." Daniel laughed.

Lando rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, no. This is Avia, Caleb's wife."

Taken aback Daniel said, "Oh my god, fuck I didn't even recognise you. You got married pretty early right? You're only what -- 22?"

I giggled at his words. "Yeah I am and don't worry, it's been a while since I saw you all so I don't blame you."

"I'm so sorry, lemme make it up to you by buying you a drink eh?"

I nodded my head and followed Daniel over to the bar. "What would you like?"

"I'll have a Sex on the Beach please."

"Coming right up."

I looked around the place whilst waiting for my drink when I heard Daniel speak up. "So, what's the deal with you and Lando then?"

I turned to face him, "Nothing. We're just friends and plus I'm not looking for a relationship. I dont think I ever will." Daniel shot me a sympathetic look and left it at that.



We were an hour into the party with the smell of alcohol and sweat lingering in the air. So far, I had spent my time talking to the drivers and doing drink runs as I wasn't much of a dancer.

I turned next to me expecting Avia to be there but she wasn't. I placed my drink down and was about to look for her when Charles approached me smirking, "Wow, you didn't say how good of a dancer Avia was."

"Oh no." I muttered, making my way to the dance floor and surely enough, Avia was there dancing her heart out.

She soon noticed me. "Come join me Lando." Her words were slightly slurred indicating that she was a little bit drunk.

I shook my head and laughed. "I'm not good at dancing but thank you."

I went to turn and head back to the others when I felt a grip on my arm. Snatching my head up I saw it was just Avia and before I knew it -- she was beginning to drag me over to where people were dancing. I tried to wriggle myself out of her grip but it was no use. Damn she has a firm grip.

A remix of the song "Gimme a man after midnight" started playing and I just stood next to Avia not sure of what to do. "Come on, dance!" She shouted to me over the music.

I rolled my eyes playfully. With alcohol in my system I wasn't entirely confident that my dancing had gotten better. Avia then made her way over to me as the chorus was approaching and started moving her hips on my front area.

Even though she was drunk, I gathered she knew exactly what she was doing. A smirk made it's way onto my lips. Two can play at this game.

I placed my hands on her waist as I followed her movements, our bodies moving in sync as the beat dropped to the song. She rocked her hips side to side, my heart rate rising causing my eyes to roll back. I gripped her waist a bit tighter being careful not to hurt her.

A sudden wave of confidence came over me and I moved Avia's hair to her right shoulder, leaving the left side of her neck exposed to me. Before I knew it, my lips were on her skin, searching desperately for her sweet spot. She soon gasped meaning I had found it and with that, I smirked, biting down gently causing her to arch her back which made my heart race.



The drivers drunkenly watched and cheered on Lando as him and Avia began dancing very intimately. Even though they knew Lando couldn't hear them (which was probably the best) they didn't hesitate to let out a roar of cheer as they saw Avia starting to grind on the front of Lando.

"Looks like Avia might have another little friend to meet." Daniel said drunkenly which caused the other drivers to laugh.

"GUYS LOOK!" Charles shouted. Lando was now kissing Avia's neck sensually and it was like the rest of the grid had stopped functioning. There was a loud thud and everyone turned their heads to see that Daniel had fainted, Lewis running to his aid.

Carlos had tears in his eyes at the sight of his new teammate, whilst George was ranting to Alex. "I just don't get how he managed to do that."

Charles and Pierre were already planning on when to take Lando and Avia out on a date with them and their girlfriends leaving Max singing in Dutch as Sergio and Lance were toasting to the beautiful moment.

Kimi wasn't really paying attention and instead Antonio had to explain what had happened, Valtteri on the other hand was drinking, trying to remain unseen as he didn't want to be caught up in this year 7 relationship.

Romain and Kevin were happily just living in the moment as was Daniil whilst Nico was assisting Lewis with a unconscious Daniel and Seb, rolling his eyes at the scene before him -- diverted his eyes back to Lando and said, "I'm proud," whilst sipping on his drink.


decided to add a little humour to the scene :)

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