Welcome to Salem, Max

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"Poor Thackery Binx. Neither his father, his mother, nor anyone else ever knew what became of him those 300 years ago." A woman wearing a witches outfit says solemnly to the class. "And so, the Sanderson sisters we hanged by the Salem townsfolk. Now there are those who sat that on Halloween night a black cat still guards the old Sanderson house, warning off any who might make the witches come back to life." She then tosses a ribbon to a student, who screams at the sudden action, and everyone but one laughs.

"Gimme a break." A boy mutters as he sketches on his notebook page. This catches the rest of the class's attention.

"Ah-ha! We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison would you care to share your California, laid back, tied dyed point of view?" The teacher calls the non believer out.

"Okay, granted that, uh, you guys here in Salem are all into these, uh, black cats and witches and stuff." The boy states with a smirk.

The class groans as the teacher asks with a raised brow. "Stuff, Max?"

"Fine. But everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies. It's a conspiracy." The boy says confidently.

"It just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows Eve." The boy turns to the voice to see a girl with h/l h/c hair, jeans, and a printed t-shirt of (your favorite band), her eyes not leaving her note taking. "It's the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to earth. For good AND bad reasons. So before you go and make assumptions, make sure there isn't someone to prove you wrong." She continues and looks up to him, showing him her e/c eyes.

The class erupts in cheers as the girl high-fives the girl next to her. "Well said, y/n." The teacher praises. Y/n looks at the boy again. "Welcome to Salem, Max." She smirks.

Max writes something down and hands the paper to y/n. "Well, in case Jimi Hendrix shows up tonight, here's my number." He says nonchalantly. The bell rigs as y/n stands up and leaves the room with her room, taking the paper with her.

A guy walks up to Max. "Fat chance, man. You just insulted her favorite day." Max shrugs. "I'm sure she'll get over it." The boy shakes his head. "She's not even interested in looking for a boyfriend." The guy then walks out. Max ignores the comment and collects his things.

Y/n's POV

"C'mon, y/n." Allison laughs as we exit the school. "Allison, just think about it. Four beds, a dress that matches neither size of the three. There had to be four!" I explain to her.

"Only three were hanged, and the townsfolk would've known there was a fourth." Allison retorts.

"Hello? They were witches! They could've casted a spell!" I challenge back. I wave goodbye to a group of kids as they say bye to me.

"Look, let's go tonight. No one will be there, and I can prove you about it." I try to persuade my friend.

"On Halloween, are you crazy?! What if we light the candle?" Allison asks in concern. I scoff and shake my head. "As if I'm that stupid. I don't carry lighters! And I don't want to summon them." I point out.

Alli still hesitates. I sigh before speaking. "Look, Thackery will be with us, you know he won't let anyone near that candle. If I go into a stupid trance and try to somehow light it, he and you will stop me. Which brings another reason we should go together! So neither of us do anything stupid."

Alli sighs in defeat. "Fine. You are pretty good in the supernatural." I smirk smugly before frowning as I hear a voice call out to me from behind.

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