Save Dani

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Once all three leave, I rush up to Max's side. "Max, are you okay?!" He raises himself to his elbows and asks, "Where's Dani?" We all look out the window to see Sarah flying through the sky singing a familiar song.

Come little children, I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment

Come little children, the time's come to play

Here in my garden of magic

We look at the street and see all the kids following Sarah in a trance. "Hey! Don't listen to her!" Max yell, in hopes of snapping the kids out. I grip the boy's shoulder. "No use! Sarah was trained by sirens to lure her prey."

(This is just a theory that I think could be true. This is not confirmed anywhere that I know of.)

"What're we gonna do, then? They got Dani!" Max freaks out. I squeeze his shoulder in effort to comfort him. "If the memories I'm getting is correct, the candle will burn out at sunrise, and those three will be sent back. Winnie's potion takes a while to make, and she's very meticulous. If she has one ready, we'll need to spill it all. Every last drop." Max understands and takes us to his parents car and drive off, but we go slowly due to the children surrounding us.

We finally reach the house and begin to carry out our plan. Max runs into the house as I wait.

Max' POV

I barge right into the house to see Dani tied to a chair and the hags trying to make her drink the potion. "Prepare to die again!" I proclaim, gathering all of their attention. I double take when I see Jay and Ice hanging in some cages. "Hollywood!" Jay calls out, excitedly.

"You have no powers here, you fool!" Winnie spits. "Maybe, but I have something greater than you magic, and that's knowledge!" I claim and ignore as the other guys groan in disappointment. "And there's one thing I know that you don't." 

Winifred rolls her eye mockingly. "And what would that be, Dude?" Three cackle at the slang.  "Daylight saving time." I tell them with confidence. One of the, repeats my words in a mocking manner. 

A bright light shines over the horizon, and the three gasp in shock. They all start falling to the ground in a dramatic manner while I go and untie Dani. Once I get her out, we both grab Binx who's toasting over the fireplace. I run up and grab my shoes from Ice's feet. "Tubular." I say and knock down the cauldron, effectively spilling the potion like y/n said. We leave the house and Dani begs to see the witches die until she sees that the light is coming from the car and y/n is motioning for us to hurry up.

We all get into the car as y/n tells us her next part of the plan. 

Back to you

"Winnie is very vengeful, she'll come after us. We need to get to Billy." Max swerves his head to look at me before the road again. "Winnie's zombie slave?!" I nod.

"Billy's not after us, he wants to help us! You have the knife?" Max reluctantly pulls out a swiss army knife out of his pocket and hands it to me. The three witches then fly around the car, hoping to stop us, but we arrive to the cemetery. "Billy!" I call out. Just as I do, the zombie shows himself. I toss him the knife which he catches it. "I believe you have some words for you ex." I tell him.

"Billy!" Winnie calls out at the gate. "Get me that child! And take little y/n with you! Come now, you pestering sore. Don't dawdle!" Billy uses the knife I gave him and cuts his mouth open. He coughs for a bit, takes a deep breath, and let's her have a piece of his mind. "Wench! Trollop! You buck toothed, mouth rind, firefly from Hell!" Winnie gasps loudly at the insults from her once lover.

"I've been waiting centuries to say that. Thank you, Miss y/n. Sorry that I had frighten you and your friends earlier." Billy throws me a gracious smile. I smile back and Max, Dani, Binx, and I follow him further into the cemetery, ignoring Winnie's howls that she'll kill Billy again. "Now to the final stage: We fight back." I tell everyone.

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