Truth revealed

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"Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thine friend." Sarah speaks up once she found the others. Luckily, she doesn't see me. "Book! Come to mommy!" Winnie calls for her book. The book begins to float towards her before Thackery jumps on top of it. "Fraid not." He tells the woman. "Thackery Binx! Thou is a mangy feline. Still alive?" Winnie mocks. "Certainly am. Been busy making sure your sister didn't get into any trouble." All three women gasp in shock. "How dare you! A dearest could easily take care of herself."

"She certainly is well behaved without you lot around!" Thackery throws back before a look of horror flashes through his face when he realized what he said. "Oh no." Winnie's face lights up in joy. "Oh yes! Mary, Sarah! That girl isn't our sister's descendant, she IS our sister." The two laugh in joy at the realization. I shoot my head up when I hear those words.

Max, Allison, and Dani all shoot me looks of worry when they see my sudden motion. The witches see the action too and finally take notice of my position. "Oh sister! It seems as though that spell is still in effect. Fear not, allow me to lift that faze." She hovers close to me until Max makes a mad dash grabbing the book and pulling me away from the woman.

"Get away from her!" Max demands and Thackery addresses them. "I've been waiting for three hundred years to get back at you!"  "Oh. Thou has waited in vain. And thou will fail in keeping little y/n away from us, just as thou failed to save thy sister." Winnie replies with a  snark, to which the feline gives a hiss of anger to her. We all then start to run off. 

"They can't touch us here, right?" Max asks to confirm suspicions. "They can't." Thackery emphasizes the word they. "Why did you word it like that? Why did he word it like that?" Allison asks as I remember something. "Witches can raise those who they killed or have some kind of connection to." I mutter. All three give me a frightened look. "I see your remembering your spells, y/n."

"Unfaithful lover long since dead. Deep asleep in thy wormy bed. Wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist those fingers into the sky. Life is sleepy, not so shy. On thy feet, so say aye!" The ground shakes violently and the earth opens up. A lively corpse pulls out of the grave. We all scream in fear and run off as Winnie starts screaming orders. "Billy! After them! Get the book and my sister! Make sure neither is harmed!"

We quickly lose our four pursuers in an underground pathway. We all stop to catch our breaths. Max glares at Thackery and demands. "Alright, what's going on? How is y/n that hag's sister?" Thackery sighs and jumps on my shoulder. "On the day they were hanged, Winifred put a spell  onto y/n and those around her. Every year, the memory of her would be refreshed. Even hers." Thackery nods his head towards me. "There is also a special fact about witches. Unless they have someone to grow up with and have the kindest of hearts: their mind, body and soul will stay the same for many years."

(This is just something I added. I'm not sure if it's true. There will be more things like this in the story, so please do not get upset)

"And since my memory of being with people kept being reset, I'd have no one to grow up with." I finish. Thackery nods his head in agreement. "All those centuries, I've watched you forget your friends and family as they forgot you." I nervously glance at the cat on my shoulders. "I didn't date anyone, did I?" Thackery shakes his head. "You never really liked anyone. And if you were about to, I made sure to step in. I never wanted you to remember someone you fell for and dated grow up without you. Believe it or not, your the only Sanderson I care about."

"How come you remember her? Aren't you close to her?" Allison asks. "The spell was casted after those witches cursed me. Since I'm no longer human, I've always remembered. Y/n's become a sister to me, and I swore to keep her away from those cursed wenches."

We all smile at the sweet proclamation. Max takes my hand and gives me a smile. "Well, I wouldn't mind growing up with you." I roll my eyes at the flirt as Thackery chuckles in amusement. "Yeah, yeah. C'mon we need to keep on moving." We all begin walking through the tunnel, and I can't help but see Allison raise her brows in a suggestive way. I try to hold my laugh as I help Thackery down so he can walk.

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