Officer, you got to believe us

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We make our way to a manhole out to the street. Thackery leaves before Max goes to peak out. I jump as Max shouts "Binx, watch out!" The sound of a bus passes through. We all quickly get out when the bus is gone and see Thackery flattened onto the pavement. Everyone but me start to mourn over our friend. I look at the Max blaming himself, and Allison comforting a crying Dani.

"Uh, Binx? You're kind of scaring them. You wanna get up anytime soon?" The three give me shocked stares. I see the look on their face and shove my hands in the direction of the flattened feline. "Don't look at me like that, he's immortal! He JUST told us back at the graveyard!" Binx then begins to to inflate till he returns to his original state. "I hate when that happens. Uh are you guys ok?" He asks as he sees the three crying. "They just forget you can't die." I assure my friend. I then tilt my head. "Are you still hurting? If so, lemme carry you." I hold out my arms for him. 

Binx chuckles and hops into my arms. "Still worry about me. You certainly are better than you were in the first century." He straightens up and asserts everyone. "Let's go. We'll need to get help. We all nod and run off to find help.

As we move more into town, the trio rush off as Binx and I try to discuss our next course of action.

Max's POV

"Officer!" Dani calls out, gaining the man's attention. "We need your help!" Allison pleads. Dani gestures me to speak, and I comply to the order. "Well, uh, you see officer, I just moved into town and broke into the Sanderson house. I didn't really believe the legend about the black flame candle, and summoned the sisters?" The officer now has his full attention on us. "You lit the black flame candle?!" He asks. "Yeah." I respond.

The cop moves off his bike and haves us follow him onto the sidewalk. "Are you a virgin?" He asks me, probably to make sure all parts were there. "Yes." I tell him. "Really?!" The cop asks me surprised. "Look, I'll get it tattooed on my forehead!" I exclaim as I move my hair off my forehead to emphasize my point. "Officer, you have to believe us!" Dani pleads.

"Hey, I put my life on the line to protect this community, and punks you pull a stunt like this?! Get outta here!" I frown and push Dani towards y/n and Binx.

Back to you

"It may not work, but it's the best we can think of." I agree with Binx. Max, Dani, and Allison storm over to us. "I can't believe that cop didn't take us seriously. I mean c'mon, the legend they believe is true actually shows itself, but they don't consider a word we say." I raise an eyebrow and look over to the supposed non-believer. "That's not a cop." I tell them. They all turn around to see the guy ride off with a woman dressed like a celebrity that fell from fame. The three look back forward and all let out a "Huh."

Binx and I shake our head. "Come on. Binx and I have an idea."  I tell them. "What is it?" Allison asks. "There's a party at town hall. With that much people, there's bound to be someone there that'll not only believe, but also help us. Allison, you go back to your parents' party and try there. We need all the help we can get." The three nod and agree with the idea. Allison rushes home and the rest of us go to town hall. "You stay safe!" I tell my friend. "You too!" She retorts.

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