Back in class

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We make it into an alleyway with trashcans. Max tries to kick over some cans, but I grab him and hold him back. "We need to be quiet!" I sternly tell him with a slight glare. He sighs and nods his head in understanding. "Sorry." I shake my head, "You have the right to be upset, but right now, we need to figure out what to do." I tug a bit on the chocker. "They may be my sisters, but what they're doing is wrong. They're supposed to be in their graves, so let's send them back."

Max smiles sadly at me. "I'm sorry. You actually get to meet your family, but now you have to send them back."

"Unless they change their ways, they'll have to be sent back." I tell him

The door suddenly opens, and we hide quickly. "Alright, who's going for the jacuzzi? Yeah, Angelo, you're bad." The man leaves. I look up before I duck my head back down. "They're coming this way!" I whisper to the three.

Mary leads the way, sniffing the air. "I smell..." 

"Yes?" Winnie asks. "I smell... scrod" Mary confirms. Winnie has an incredulous look. "Scrod?" Winnie asks. "You know, it's a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with a little bit of bread crumbs, margarine, oil..." Winnie grabs Mary and pulls her out of the alley. Sarah steps close and I see her hair peeking from my position. "Sarah!" Winnie calls and Sarah follows. I sigh in relief and ease out of my stance.

Dani stands up and accidently opens an oven door. I stare at the oven before smirking. "I have an idea." I tell the three and lead them to the school.

I watch in the shadows as the sister enter the school. Max then speaks through the intercoms. "Welcome to High School Hell. I'm your host, Boris Karloff Jr." An evil laugh then is heard through the area. Binx then grabs the three's attention sitting at the end of the hall. "There! Get him!" Winnie demands.

They follow after Binx until they hear a woman calling out to them. The enter the room and crawl into the kiln to investigate the voice. They're met with a boombox and the door behind them closes.

Dani turns on the kiln while the witches scream. "Hot hot hot hot hot!" Winnie yelps as the flames consumes them. The witches burn and we all sigh in relief. I quickly take out my phone and text Allison it's all over. We make it outside and whoop in victory.

I look over to see Binx leaving. "Thackery, where do you think you're going?" He looks up at me, confused. I smile and lower myself to my knees. "You've been taking care of me for three hundred years, despite who I'm related to. You have done all this and expect to leave me? Nu-uh. C'mon, I'm taking you home." Binx looks to the ground and mutters happily. "Home." He then dashes at me and pick him up to hug him.

"You're like a brother, and the only I've had for three hundred years. Hey, you can be my familiar." I give the idea. "Familiar?" Dani asks while Max face twists to confusion.

"A familiar is an animal assistant for witches. They make a bond to where they have a connection to understand one another." I explain before turning to the feline. "What do you say, Thackery? Wanna help this witch out?" Thackery chuckles. "Imagine all the good we can do. What the heck, I'm in." I raise the feline in victory before yawning.

"Let's go to my place, we can all rest there." Max offers. I tiredly nod my head and take Max's hand while holding Thackery in the other. Dani walks beside me and talks cheerily. "I have a few ideas how you can help. First off, bedtime isn't till much longer than it is now." Dani gives out more ideas as we walk along.

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