Having Max Dennison as your boyfriend

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-...He's a flirt. Not a good one, but he is one. He's respectable to some degree, never gonna say something insulting and not sexual, not since you two started going out. 

-He got advice from his mom. He didn't ask for it, she found out, sat him down, and gave him the whole lecture on how to behave and respect you. She ain't rasin' no player.

-He respects Halloween. Tries his best to not insult it and do something stupid...regarding Halloween. He's not an idiot, just a boy with a sense of pride who needs to be taught. He does his own research regarding witches so he says nothing offensive, and he'll often ask you some minor things that don't make him nervous. (He tried to learn about animal parts in potions but hit walls, and came to you. That was the most uncomfortable he felt learning, but he was willing to for you)

-He is not afraid of making his own potions, but they usually fail, so he has to rely on you, so he does his best in supplying ingredients. He's a little nervous about getting the animal parts mentioned above, but he believes it's the least he can do when you make him cool potions

-Potions and ingredients have to be labeled. He does not pay attention to the liquid/spices if it got no way to tell him what it is and will drink it/use it to help cook.

-He once believed that you missed Binx for a few months, so he got you a black cat. He was so proud of getting you a companion, he even made sure the cat was affectionate for you. He did not care how much it cost him his allowance, he wanted you to be happy.

-He is a showoff. He likes having your attention. He'll do anything to win your praise and smile at him. He once confessed that he would test new potions for you to see if they have any effect.

-The next year, Dani did pull that arrangement he and Max made, but she decided to go as Tinkerbell and let you go as Wendy. She wanted to see you guys in a couple of costumes, which Max very much liked when he saw you in your outfit.

-This boy will give any excuse to hang out with you. His most common one is studying. He may have good grades, but he likes to "Be sure" On topics they learned in class, so he goes to your place often.

-While Max has his moments, he does his best to be the boyfriend he thinks you deserve, which is a literal man with no faults. He is dating you, and he doesn't want to mess it up.

Prepare yourself for dating the trying his best Max Dennison!

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