A virgin lit the candle

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"Legend has it that the bones of 100 children are buried within in these walls." I tell the two behind Allison and I. "Oh great." Dani mutters. I chuckle. "It's alright. As long as they aren't summoned, they can't get to you." I assure the girl.

We reach to the house and walk in. "I can't see a thing." Dani points out. Allison reaches over to find the light switch. I hear a flick and turn to see Max holding a lighter. "Allison, when did they sell lighters here?" I ask my friend. "I don't think they did." Allison retorts.

Max lowers the lighter to reveal the switch, I flick it and light bursts into the room, revealing the house. I walk over to the pedestal and show a dress with pants in a glass container. "This dress was found in the house when the witches were hanged, but it didn't matched with  any of the three. It also has this strange necklace made out of pure silver." I point to the balcony. "Up there are four beds. They aren't the type to have people sleeping over. If you look around, there seems to be thing for four people. Hence my reason to believe there was a fourth. The three also hate children, so why would they have a kid for this long?"

Allison looks around. "Okay, this too much to be a coincidence." I nod in agreement and excitement. I then notice a book. I motion Max and Dani over to show them.

"This is the book that belongs to Winnifred 'Winnie' Sanderson. It's said that the devil gifted it to her. The book is bound in human skin and contains the most powerful and evil spells. Only the sisters are able to use it, but Winnie was the one to use it." I explain as I look at the creepy object behind the glass.

"I get the picture." Dani tells me. I chuckle at the tone before Max speaks up. "What's that?" I look to see him looking at a candle. "The black flame candle. Dangerous thing." I look back at the book, not noticing Max walking up to it until I hear him read aloud. "The black flame candle. Made out of the fat of a hanged man. Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween night." Max looks up at me with a smile. He rolls around the poll on his back and pulls out the lighter from earlier.

I stiff in fear before his next words leaves his mouth. "So let's light this sucker and meet the old broads." I step away from the book and back up. "Don't you dare." I demand. Dani and Allison agree with me. A yowl is heard and a ball of black jumps on Max's neck. "Thackery!" I call out. Max tosses the cat and the feline jumps onto me, gently using his claws to not hurt me.

"Wait, I thought he was dead." Dani wonders. Max glares at the cat I hold like a child. "No, this is the cat that guards the candle from being lit. We all call him Thackery because the first cat was named after the boy by my ancestor." I explain.

"Wait, the next victim? Your her great something granddaughter?" Max asks me. I nod my head. "Thackery is only this friendly with her descendants. No one else." Max rolls his eyes as I have my focus on the dark haired mammal.

"That's fantastic. Now, back to business." Max yawns as he gets back to the candle. "Max, it's time to go!" Dani demands as she, Allison and I walk to the door. "She's right Max! Allison tries to convince the boy.

Max ignores our please and says. "C'mon, it's just a bunch of hocus pocus!" He takes out the lighter and lights the candle. All the light bulbs go off and I begin to feel light. Dani and Allison help me steady myself as whispers fill the air. The floorboards begin to shake as green light peeks out of them. The other scream in fear while I try to clear the fog in my mind. 

I fall to the ground as I feel something coming our way. Everything calms down and Max asks, "What happened?"

Dani sighs in anger. "A virgin...lit the candle." I groan in pain before speaking. "Someone's coming, and they aren't friendly."

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