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Hope's walking down the steps with a book in hand to stand by Landon.

"The blood that runs through my veins isn't human." She states. "My dad was one of the earths Original Vampires."

"Was?" Asks a confused Landon.

"Was?" Klaus asks.

"I think we missed a lot, Nik." Rebekah states.

"Was." She repeats. "Turns out even immortal beings can find a way to die eventually." She opens the book that was in her hand to a specific page, and then puts it down on the table in front of them.

"Klaus Mikaelson: The Great Evil." Reads Landon out loud.

"He wasn't very popular around here." She explains.

Still looking at the book Landon speaks. "One of my foster dads used to burn us with his cigarettes. I guess evil is relative." He shrugs.

"My mother was a werewolf alpha." She continues.

"Again with the 'was'. What bloody happened?" Kol asks.

"There's that 'was' again." He states.

She walks away from the table and Landon follows. She then turns to look at him. "The people I care about have a tendency to die on me."

"Poor girl." States Bonnie.

"Shhhh" shushes Damon. "I want to hear this."

"I try not to get close to people anymore."

"Yeah, I can see that." He nods

"Um, my grandmother was a witch. So, all those things passed down, making me-"

He cuts her off. "A unicorn?" He asks.

"A hybrid of three different creatures, tri-brid. I can control when I turn, which is what I was doing tonight. I'm the only one of my kind." She finishes.

"Yeah. See? Unicorn." He states making her laugh.

"Can I show you something? Earlier, you mentioned the jock that had messed with you the day we danced." She says stepping closer. She puts her hand on his head. She closes her eyes and he does as well

She shows him that she was the one that froze the glass windows and shattered them.

They both open their eyes. "You did that for me?" He asks.

"He had it coming, plus it was Lexi's idea." She states.

"Wait you said that you don't get close to people. Right?" He asks, abs she nods her head. "What about Lexi?"

She takes a few steps back, and pulls up a chair. "You might want to take a seat, this is a long story."

He pulls up a seat across from her and then looks at her.

"I will not be repeating any of this. You hear me, so pay attention." She states. And he just nods his head.

"Lexi is the daughter of Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes. She was born before the twins were by a few days, because there was too much magic in Caroline for just two kids. So she's pretty powerful.

"Wait so she's literally made of magic?" Hope nods and continues.

"When Lexi was five her father, Stefan Salvatore died saving this town from hellfire."

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