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Landon was sitting on a log and counting the money that him and Raf had made from the bets. In front of him Rafael is laying with his back agains another log, eating a burger.

Rafael looks at Landon and laughs. "Well, this is more like it."

"Get used to it." Landon answers.

They both chuckled and fist pump. When Landon is counting the money he sees some writing on the last bill. 'RUN, wolf or DIE', written on a five dollar bill. Landon looks around nervously to see if anyone is there.

"Oh shit." Damon mutters.

"Yeah, deep shit." Hayley agrees.

"Everything cool." Asks Raf.

Landon nervously smiles at him. "Yeah. It's all good." He looks up to see a figure in the trees. "Hope?" He looks at her for a while but then she disappears. Landon folds the money and puts it in his jacket pocket. "We should get out of here."

"He shouldn't lie to him. It's gonna end very badly." Klaus states.

"Young wolves tend to always end up in trouble." Elijah says look at the screen with a straight face.

Klaus turns to him with an offense look.


Hope and Josie are holding hands, with the letter being in one, their hands giving off a soft red glow. Josie suddenly lets go, and gasps as she clutches her stomach in pain.

"Why'd you stop?" Hope asks, looking
down at Josie confused.

"This is twin pain. Something is wrong. I think Lizzie's in trouble." Josie looks up at Hope still clutching her stomach.

"Would not want to have that with my brother." Damon says.

"Oh yeah. Cause I'm the one always pissing off vampires five times my age and ending up with a stake in the gut." Stefan answers sarcastically.

"Knew you'd understand, Stef." Damon smiled.

Stefan and Caroline simply roll their eyes at him.


The gargoyle is walking towards the gates of The Salvatore School. It tries to walk out, but is stopped by a barrier. It screeches out.

"Imperium monstrum." Lizzie yells.

"Smart girl." Bonnie smiles.

Enzo turns to her. "What'd she do?"

"Barrier spell." Bonnie explains.

The gargoyle turns around and roars in anger.


Dorian is sitting down in the shade as Josie and Hope try to talk to him.

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