Not a Chapter

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Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been really busy with school work. But I do have few questions.

Please answer all these questions because I really don't know why to do.

1. Who should be endgame?

2. Should I do an episode where Lexi goes to New Orleans and visits the originals (p.s. they already know her, and love her very much)?

3. Should I have a chapter of where Caroline comes back for a day and her and Lexi have a "talk"?

4. Should Stefan come back in the episode "Mombie Dearest
Or should I make Klaus come back and Lexi kick his ass (cause he's being controlled?)
^^{For this one I wouldn't have Klaus and Hope meet simply because I don't want Hope to see her father die again, but Klaus and Lexi would meet and talk.}

I will do my best to update by next week but I don't know for sure. But I'm already working on the next part. And I hope you all like the book so far.

(There will be more TVD, and TO quotes and parallels coming in future chapters and episodes so be ready for those)

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