Chapter 20

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A/U: Found some insights for this story and how I'm going to end this. The only thing that I can tell you without spilling any spoilers is that I'll post two final alternative endings for this story. The alternative endings was inspired by another author, so I wanted to try and do it for this story. Since I've been stuck on which ending to go for, so I decided to just use both. What's the harm in that, right?

With this in mind, I finally found got juice flowing again, and my best friend gave me some ideas as well. Better thank her, since this story will soon be complete! *Finally!*

Now, please enjoy?

It was nighttime, and the air was silent and cool. Peaceful as it was, Lucy couldn't focus. She found herself in her kitchen with a glass of water. Maybe water wasn't a good idea. She needed tea. She got up and started preparations to make tea.

"Ok, that 'dream' was nothing but fabrications of things that do not make sense." The celestial mage muttered to herself. While the water's heating up, Lucy took a seat back in her chair and rubbed her eyes.

She moved her hand away from her eyes and looked up at the water boiler. "It was the man's doing."

Think, think Lucy. Who was this man and why did he help her? What was in that.... mysterious liquid that he gave her? And why did she drink it? Did he put a spell on her to make her drink it? Or did he take advantage of the fact that she had a head trauma?

She needed answers. And she needed to find that man.

She glanced at her boiling water and turned to her clock. It was well past midnight. "What's the harm?"

Lucy stood up and turned off her boiling water and grabbed her celestial keys and headed out of the door.

Thankfully, she remembered where her last mission took place, which happened to be not too far from Magnolia. It didn't take her more than an hour to get to where she was 'treated' by that mysterious man.

Once she stood in front of the so-called house that lived at the bottom of the cliff, she took a good look at the house. It was very run down. Like time had eaten away at the stones and wood.

"This place looks... sanitary." The blonde commented as she stepped through the broken door and could only see ruins in every direction she looked.

The living room was in full disarray. The floor creaked with every footstep that Lucy made, and the walls were stained with dust and dirt, as well as some mold. There was no furniture, which should help Lucy conclude that this was not the room that she was treated in.

She sauntered over to the next room, which looked like a kitchen. She continued on and entered the next room, which seemed to be a dining room.

She stopped at the doorway, as she stared at a single bed and a table that stood next to it.

This was the place.

Lucy took a deep breath before she took a step forward and approached the bed. She doesn't really remember much when she regained consciousness here. But she knows with certainty that this was where that man gave her that liquid. Whatever it was.

She raked her fingers over the ragged blanket for a moment before grabbing it and pulled it away. Nothing that could warrant a clue could be found on the bed. Just a plain old bed that needs to be thrown away.

She shifted her eyes to the table next to it and noted that it was bare. Lucy approached the table and looked around for anything. The man didn't move out, did he?

She groaned in frustration and looked at her wrist, where she had made her cut. She rubbed her fingers over the bandage and pressed into it, inciting pain. For some reason, this pain was calming her down.

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