Chapter 11

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A/N: It honestly feels weird to write this chapter when I'm not all that depressed lol. I'm actually very happy. Does nervous happy counts? lol

Please enjoy? 😢

Shortly after leaving Master's office, Erza immediately looked for a certain raven and pink haired boy. She immediately spotted them at the far corner, glaring at each other demonically.

Erza needed them to be stationed around Lucy's apartment to keep her father away. She doesn't want to risk her having another breakdown. It would break her heart to see Lucy in such state.

The more guarded Lucy's place is, the less odds there are for her father to come in contact with her.

Erza needed capture Jude again


"What!? Do you even know what the term 'privacy' means?" Lucy gritted through her teeth as she glared at the redhead.

Erza stuttered a little. "Yes... But think of it as an extended sleepover."

"I don't want a sleepover. I want to be alone. And you have been invading my privacy for weeks! You even did inspection of your place five times a day!"

"I wanted to make sure that you were safe."

"From who?" Lucy spat, crossing her arms.

Erza silently sighed and looked at Lucy in the eyes. "I think you know."

Lucy let out a ragged sigh in dismay. "Fine, but you're sleeping in the other side of the room. And ON the floor."

"Fine with me." Erza honestly had no qualms with sleeping on the floor. She did it before on countless jobs. This isn't anything different. As long she is close to the blonde to ensure her safety.

"Good. Now I'm going to shower. Stay away." Lucy ordered before entering the shower and slammed the door behind her, locking it in the process.

Couple seconds later, Erza let out a long sigh before scanning the room. She know that Lucy won't like it, but she'll have to get ride of some 'dangerous' objects for the time being. She isn't taking any chances.

15 minutes later, the armored mage had managed to get rid of all potential 'dangerous' objects and leaned against the wall next to the bathroom. She rested her head against the wall and relaxed a little to get rid of the stress invading her body. She was honestly tired and wanted a good night sleep. But Lucy was her top priority.

Erza honestly could understand how Lucy feels. Or what she is going through. Erza was suicidal herself once. When she had escaped the tower and joined Fairy Tail, she often held a blade to her skin and contemplated on her decisions.

And Erza had heard voices in her head. Why did she deserved this? Why is she so lonely? Erza had lost everything that she held dear.

It had took the redhead to come to her senses.

She had found a new family. A place that she can start over. She could leave the past in the past. And just move forward. She was still standing with a heart made of steel. She couldn't be broken that easily. And she won't break now.

But Lucy... She was difficult to crack. Erza couldn't understand what was keeping Lucy on the suicide path. At first, she figured it was her father. If he was locked up, Lucy could be safe again. But Lucy been acting saltier.

Erza knew the answer though. Lucy was lonely. She was scared and refused to let anyone in. But Erza was lost on how to get Lucy to open up again.

Snapping out of her reverie, the redhead looked at the time and saw that Lucy had been in the bathroom for 30 minutes. Alarmed, Erza straightened herself and turned to the door, knocking loud enough for the blonde to hear.

Decay of AgonyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora