Chapter 19

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A/N: After so many... obstacles, things are finally going their way. Erza and Lucy moments ahead! You've been warned.

(Excuse me if the fluff wasn't natural or smooth.)


It was silent and peaceful, and Lucy didn't really appreciate feeling the warm comforter that covered her body being ripped away from her. She groaned and patted her hands around to find the comforter again while keeping her eyes shut, too tired to open them. She muttered incoherently as she couldn't find the warm blanket and curled into a ball and tried to sleep again, comforter or no comforter.

But of course, whoever removed the comforter wasn't taking the hint and started saying something. But Lucy ignored them and continued to sleep. Sleep was important, and sleep is what she will do. But after a moment, a firm hand wrapped itself around the young girl's arm and practically forced her into a sitting position.

"God damnit Lucy! What the hell is this!?" The voice said, and Lucy could've sworn that it sounded familiar. But she was too tired to care.

She was too tired to even formulate a response to whatever the person said... what did the person say again? She just wanted to sleep. "Five more minutes." She mumbled as she slumped sideways and onto the mattress and tried to drift off again.

"Lucy. Wake up." The voice said again, forcing the blonde back into the sitting position, seemingly persistent in waking up the blonde.

Lucy groaned at the persistence of the voice and forced to crack her eyes open, only to see a familiar voice. Red hair and concerned brown eyes peered down at her. Concerned? It looked more like anger in her eyes. "Five more minutes Erza."

"Sure. I'll let you sleep. Once you tell me why you did this again." Erza's eyes glanced down with frustration.

Lucy followed Erza's eyes to the bed and spotted blood, then she started to recall the moments that she did the night before. Her arm was covered in dried blood, and the bed pooled with dried blood. "Oh."

"That's all you have to say? 'Oh'" Erza scowled as she grabbed Lucy and pulled her to the edge of the bed to take a closer look at the wound. Dried blood trickled down her wrist, and the wound seemed to have stopped bleeding. Nothing too serious. And it didn't look too deep. "You could've talked to me before... this."

Lucy stayed quiet and studied the girl as she examined the wound and wrapping it a clean towel that she summoned. She noticed the grim look in the older girl's face. The grief and or sadness in her eyes.

Then she heard a soft noise somewhere and Lucy looked up to see Wendy running in with a bowl of water in her hands. "Got some water."

"Thanks Wendy." Erza didn't move as she held Lucy's arm tenderly. "She and I were going to check up on you, also to see if you wanted to go on an easier mission or to shop."

"Then I smelled blood." Wendy added. "Erza charged in and saw the mess you left in the bathroom." She set the bowl of water on the ground and knelt down, preparing to heal the wound. But Erza stopped her.

"No need." Erza placed her hand on Wendy's and pushed them down, away from Lucy. "Lucy will be fine. You may go, Wendy. I got this."

"Huh? Are you sure?" Wendy turned to see that Erza sported a stern look as she looked back at her.

"I'm sure. Lucy and I need to talk."

Wendy looked at Lucy, who seemed guilty, before she glanced at Erza and nodded. "Alright. I'll see you later?"

"Of course."

Erza waited as the door closed and now the two were alone. She equipped some first aid kit and took out the critical items for bandaging.

Decay of AgonyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ