Chapter 6

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I woke up hissing in pain as I felt something sharp sink deep into my side. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Eve standing there looking down at my with her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

I looked down at myself and noticed a knife sticking out of me, lodged in pretty deep.

"What the h-" I was interrupted by a loud banging against the dome. I turned around to see Alpha Derek standing there with a frustrated expression on his face, it almost looked as if he felt betrayed.

The nerve of him.

With a quick flick of my wrist the protective dome vanished before us leaving no barrier between the two of us.

"," Was all he said before walking away towards the pack house.

I pulled the knife from my side as I angrily threw it at Eve, glaring at her. As I stood up I looked around me and noticed Eve's white silvery feathers littered all around the ground signifying her molting was done, she snapped her fingers and just like that they all turned to ash without a trace of her around. She outstretched her wings as she ruffled her brand new feathers before they slowly retreated into her back. I folded mine nicely behind so they wouldn't cause a scene as I walked around.

My molting process was not complete so I could not hide them.

We walked into the pack house and it felt as if everyone's eyes were all on us and I even noticed a few people gasped in awe. I couldn't blame them, stories of Angels were believed to be myths, made up or even children stories so seeing two in the flesh was almost unbelievable.

As we walked up to the second floor and entered Derek's office, there sat Taylor in front of his desk with Derek sitting behind it. I looked closer at his neck and noticed a very painful and difficult looking mark placed upon his neck as if it were forced onto him and that was when I remembered.

A knife materialized into my hand as Taylor stood up to try and leave but I pinned her against the wall swiftly with the blade pressed against her throat.

"AVA!" Both Derek and Eve shouted.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were an omega this entire time and I couldn't understand why Derek was so infatuated with you!" Taylor cried out as tears began to well in her eyes.

"That's not a reason for marking something that isn't yours!" I shouted at her, sinking the blade slightly deeper into her throat.

"I found out you two were mates so I felt threatened! You were an omega that didn't deserve the title of Luna and Derek has been there for me my entire life! I did it without thinking and I didn't even speak to him about it first please spare me!" She screamed out.

"Ava the blood of a single innocent mortal is not something you want on your hands," I felt Eve place a hand on my shoulder.

She was right, I couldn't stoop so low and kill a semi innocent wolf all for personal reasons, that's not why the Moon Goddess gifted me this power.

I slowly backed away from her as I whisked my knife away, still burning holes through her eyes with my own and watching her image crumble as she couldn't handle the heat of my gaze.

"Taylor leave, I'll deal with you later," Derek sighed as he sat back down in his seat.

She quickly scurried away, slamming the door behind her and leaving the three of us alone.

"I knew you weren't a fucking omega, you don't carry yourself like one, you don't smell like one and your acting is terrible. I just didn't think you'd be THE one that I've been looking for," He rubbed his face in his hands before staring me into my eyes.

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