Chapter 23.

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I watched as he looked up at me with wide eyes from the ground, pure shock since it's been a few decades since he last seen me.

"Ava you're awake, what happened?" Eve asked surprised.

"Yes Avangeline, what did happen?" Liam smirked as he picked himself up from the ground.

"I think I should be asking you the same thing. You like a little stressed since the last time I saw you dear MATE," I growled.

It was true, his eyes were a much darker green than what they once were, he had dark bags under his eyes as his face slightly aged over the years as it seemed much colder and darker.

"That's what time will do to you, and a sword to the fucking chest," He smirked at me.

He eyed my giant black wings as he snorted.

"Nice upgrade but in my eyes you're still weak and useless like you've always been," His smiled dropped from his face as he looked at me menacingly.

My bow and arrow appeared in my hand as my eyes began to glow to lock onto my target and I raised them in the air, threatening him.

"Try me," I smiled.

He smirked and immediately launched himself at me, tackling me to the ground. I kicked me off me as I punched him in the stomach causing him to stagger back and give me room to attack him.

As he stepped away from me I took this as as advantage and shot an arrow directly into his left eye.

"You fucking bitch!!!" He screamed as he back straight into Zachary's arm's, groaning in pain.

Zachary placed him in a headlock, holding him still as I walked up to him and punched him straight in the mouth.

"You don't deserve to fucking be alive you bastard!" I screamed at him.

He looked up at me and spit his black blood into my face as I grimaced in disgust.

To humans Archangels meant power but to us, Archangels were evil beings who belonged in the Underworld where they could cause rampage in the lands, away from others. They no longer need blood to survive so due to the climate of the Underworld it causes their blood to turn black.

I wiped at my face with the back of my hand as I glared at him, smashing his dirty blood into his face as I smeared it around.

"You think you're so tough now but you're really not, you're still weak," He smirked.

I was no longer afraid of him. He no longer had any control of me, my mind or my body, the memories of him began to fade as I realized they were only memories and I was a much more powerful being than before.

"No, you're the weak one," I smirked.

"We'll see about that," He said.

Suddenly black smoke began to protrude from his hands as it quickly began to crowd the area, it was so thick as it quickly spread it became difficult to even breath. It was an uncomfortable suffocation that messed with your minds as your lungs screamed for air.

Just when I couldn't take anymore I extended my wings and flapped them forcefully against the smoke causing all of it to whisk away and for the area to become more clear.

I looked down and noticed Zachary laying on the ground with a cut on his arm.

"What happened?" I asked as I ran up to him.

"He attacked us all as he distracted us. He's much faster and stronger than we thought he would be," He groaned.

I noticed the scar began to heat up and slowly blacken, becoming a permanent scar forever. Archangels were one of extremely few beings that could permanently scar or even kill an Angel.

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