Chapter 7.

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The moment I heard that name escape his lips I took off into the sky, stunned at what I had just heard.
It couldn't be and I can't believe it, I watched as the life slipped from his eyes as I plunged that sword into his chest. I sat there for hours as I clutched onto his lifeless figure wondering what I had done to deserve such a cruel fate.

I felt something slam hard into me as I was knocked off course and sent flying into a boulder in the woods.

I groaned in pain as I rubbed my lower back in pain and looked up to see an angry Eve staring at me as she walked up to me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She said as she stood over me.

"Are you an idiot?!" I shouted as I stood up.

"No but you definitely are, you hear his name one time and suddenly you can't control yourself?" She asked angrily.

"You wouldn't understand, you don't know what I've gone through with him and to know that he's alive after piercing his heart with my blade... it's hard to believe," I said as I shook my head.

She attempted to smack me with her wing but I grabbed it just before she hit me and spun her around until she smacked right into a nearby tree.

She stood up from the ground and groaned as she rubbed her stomach in pain.

"That's no longer an excuse anymore, you are no longer the grey winged weak Angel that you were when you were with him, you have so much power, so much confidence and just that much closer to the Moon Goddess, plus you have another second chance mate who just so happens to be hot," She wiggled her eyebrows at me as she grinned causing me to roll my eyes.

"He's not hot with another woman's mark on his neck, it's disgusting," I said revolted.

"Oh yeah that's true, well we can talk about that personal matter later, right now we need to go back to the pack and go further into detail this Liam situation. If it's true that he is alive that he is that much more dangerous if he managed to survive your celestial sword," She said as she motioned for us to walk back towards the pack.

I nodded my head as we headed back to the pack side by side as if we both weren't combat fighting each other like any other day.

"Ava are you alright?" Natasha asked as she ran up to us as we walked through the clearing of the pack.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked curiously.

"You seemed furious the other day when you ran out the house the other day and I-" I cut her off.

"Where is Derek? I need to speak business with him," I asked impatiently.

"In his office,"

Eve and I walked into the pack house and straight towards the second floor, I opened the door without knocking once more and as I opened the door I noticed him sitting behind his desk staring out of the window.

"Done being dramatic?" He smirked as he turned around in his seat to look at me.

"Cut the bullshit, what exactly do you need me more?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"As I said before, you're a weapon to aid me before a war starts," He said calmly.

"Why do you need little old me for some half dead old Alpha anyway?" I rolled my eyes.

"That's the thing, he isn't some half dead old Alpha, I don't know what his deal is but he may be getting help from witches or demons or something, he has a power that's hard to describe and I don't understand it but it seems dark and beyond my strength," He explained as he sat forward and looked me deep in my eyes  allowing me to be entranced into the windows of his soul, light dancing within his pupils as mixed emotions that I couldn't quite understand.

"This has to be a mistake, I plunged a celestial silver sword into his chest and held him close to me for hours while I cried over the only person I loved," I said sternly.

Silence over took the room as Derek and I intensely stared into each other's, tension growing between us as I noticed a flame of jealousy dancing in his eyes.

"Do you have a habit of forcing sharp things into your mate's hearts?" He asked curiously and tauntingly.

"No but I was pretty damn close to doing it to myself that other night just so you could feel the pain, by the way how did that feel? Stabbing myself in the stomach while you fucked the other one?" I asked innocently to toy with him.

"It was a weak moment I will admit that, I shouldn't have done that to you," He said calmly as he broke away from my gaze and sighed. 

"I'll search for Liam, I'm not sure how long it will take because if he's still a live he will be a lot harder to track due to him having such high amounts of Alpha blood within him. Alpha's and Luna's are a bit more difficult to tap into," I explained trying to break the silence. 

Suddenly a headache began to erupt throughout my skull as my vision began to turn white and I looked up at the ceiling as I heard a voice calling to me from afar. 

'You must protect the white wolves and continue the duty I have granted to you'

Her oh so velvety yet frightening voice seemed to shake my mind as I felt a sense of urgency throughout my body as my bones shook and the message was implanted deep into my core so that there was no disobeying it. 

The white around me began to fade as my headache began to clear and I looked around the room and noticed Eve's now fading glowing eyes as she looked at me in horror. 

"The white wolves are under attack," She whispered even though she knew we both received the same message. 

I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her outside quickly as we stood in the middle of the centre square and I put a large protective dome around us. 

"I can't fly while my wings are molting, light them up," I said as I turned my back to Eve and outstretched my wings as far as I could so she could get every feather. 

I looked up and noticed Derek on the other side of the dome with slight concern in his eyes, not sure what were to happen next to me. I heard Eve clap her hands loudly as a rush of heat spread all throughout my body as I hissed in pain from the fire spreading all over my wings as old feathers turned to dust and new feathers arose to take their place.

I watched as ash fell around me and soon enough the heat stopped. I ruffled my new feathers as they glistened in the sun from their sheen. 

Immediately I took down the dome and rocketed into the sky on my way to defend the white wolf pack. 

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