Chapter 1

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A/N: I will be slowly editing this book later on. So, hopefully, this rough draft isn't too bad.

*5 Years Later*

"Mommy! Mommy! It hurts." I looked down at my sweet little girl, who had tears falling from her dark hazel eyes.

"Oh, sweetie, what happened?" I bent down immediately, taking her into my arms.

"I hurt my knee." I pulled back a bit so I could examine her knee. She definitely hurt it. It was a pretty good scrape. The bleeding is very minimal, but I know for a fact that it's gotta hurt.

"My poor baby. Want mommy to kiss it and make it better?" She just looked at me with puppy dog eyes and shook her head yes. So I put my hand over her knee and bent down and kissed the back of my hand. I love my daughter, she's my own flesh and blood, but there is no way in hell I'm going to straight-up kiss her bloody knee.

"There we go, my little bear, all better." She looked down at her knee and saw that the scrape was completely gone. She looked back up at me with a glow of happiness in her eyes and flung herself onto me, hugging me.

"Thank you so much, mommy! I'm going back to playing with Aleksey now!" I stood up and smiled at her.

"You know, she's starting to look more and more like you every day." I jumped a little as I put my hand over my heart.

"Damn it, Emma. You scared the crap out of me." Emma, my beautiful soulmate, wife, and other mother to my children. Still, to this day, I am completely in love with her.

"Sorry, love. You would think with you being a vampire and all; you would know that someone is behind you. Especially your mate." I slapped her on the shoulder.

"Whatever, smart ass. Our daughter is so clumsy. That's the 5th injury this week alone." She looked at me with this look. I knew this look too well. She's about to say something smart.

"Tread lightly." I looked at her with my look, showing I wasn't messing around. She wiped the smirk off her face really quick.

"I was just going to say; I wonder where she got that from...." She trailed off at the end. I already know she was implying to me.

"Just because I stubbed my toe 3 times in one day does not make me a klutz! It was one time! I'm athletic, and I run." She kind of snickered.

"Running doesn't take much balance or hand-eye coordination. You just basically need endurance. You can't play any other sport to save your life." I huffed and rolled my eyes. I couldn't say anything back because, honestly, she was right. I'm not about to say that out loud, though, and give fuel to the fire that is her ego.

"You should really just let her wounds heal on their own. It would be quick; she is a vampire too." I looked down a little guiltily. I can't help it when it comes to the twins anytime they get hurt. I don't want them hurting for long, so I always heal their injuries.

"I know, I know. That reminds me, have you heard anything from the council about our children being born vampires?" Emma just sighed and shook her head.

 Only supernatural beings who are born that way naturally can reproduce offspring of that species. Since vampires have to be turned and aren't born naturally, they can't produce offspring of their species, nor can they reproduce naturally at all. They to have help from a witch.

"No. They still don't know how they were born as vampires. They are looking through ancient texts to see if they can find any phenomena like it. They are back 2,000 years in our history so far and nothing yet." I just nodded along.

"That's a long way back. But, who knows, maybe they are the only ones. They are extraordinary. You can't read their minds, and not even your sister can see their future." Emma wrapped her arm around me and brought me into her chest.

Hiraeth [GxG]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα