Chapter 20

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The weekend went by way too fast. Friday was the grand opening, Saturday Julia and Asha came over for dinner, and Sunday we all went to the beach. I guess the saying, "Time flies when you're having fun," is right on the money. Right now, it could not be any more true. Even the kids were back to sleeping in their bedrooms. Well, for the most part. They would start off in their bedrooms but eventually crawl into bed with Emma and me.

I was excited about Monday because it would be my first time having clients at the new building, but as each day got closer to it, I started to dread it more and more. I honestly didn't know why all of a sudden I started to feel this way. It didn't feel like it had anything to do with work per say, but I just couldn't figure out what was causing it. The feeling in and of itself was bugging me, but not knowing what was causing it drove me completely up the wall.

I looked up and realized I had just pulled into my parking spot at work. I let out an audible sigh. Auto-driving again... I'm going to wind up hurting someone if I don't stop. I am manifesting that that will never happen, but if it does... I could easily heal them. I briefly looked myself over in the mirror before grabbing the doughnuts and casually strolled toward the front doors.

"Here are those doughnuts you love so much." I sat a box of her favorites down on her desk. "This box has all your favorites and is just for you. I got two variety boxes and put them in the breakroom for the others. Which reminds me, I better go and let everyone else know that there are doughnuts." Lori hurriedly snatched the box of doughnuts up like it was some prized possession.

"Thank you. Also, you will definitely be getting brownie points from everyone." I blew on my fingers and acted like I was brushing them off.

"Yeah, I know." I sounded hella cocky. "I even got gluten-free and vegan doughnuts," I said with a smirk.

"Okay, boss lady. You go out there and win over all your employees." We both had a laugh, and I went and made my rounds to each office, letting them know that there were doughnuts. There were even a couple of employees that were happy that there were gluten-free and vegan options. I was giving myself a ton of mental high fives.

I started my day at seven in the morning on the dot, and it didn't stop till one in the afternoon. I had a total of six clients today, one after the other. Each session was an hour-long. I had a lot of fun, but I was exhausted. So I spent the next hour working on editing. I was extremely grateful that my mom was picking up the kids today. I can't stress enough how much of a godsend she is.

"I'm headed out. Do you need anything before I go?" I stuck my head into Lori's office real quick.

"No, I don't. Thank you for asking, though. I'm staying behind for a little bit longer; there are many logistics I want to look over before I head home myself. Say hi to everyone for me, will ya?" I'm glad she's taking this promotion so seriously, but I hope she doesn't start overworking herself.

"I will. And Lori?" She finally looked up at me from her computer screen and the pile of papers on her desk. "I hired the other people for a reason. Don't overwork yourself and do everyone else's job." She just sighed out.

"I know, but it's soooo hard!" I laughed at how childish she sounded.

"Get used to it, Lori. You're second in command now. You delegate and oversee, not do everyone's work. Also, before I forget, we hired those two security guards, right? To lock up and watch the building overnight." She scoffed.

"Of course I did. What do I look like? Some kind of amateur. Now go home to your family. I'll see you tomorrow." She waved me off and got back to her work. I can already tell I'm going to have to force her to take her vacation days. I'm also going to have to make sure she doesn't get out of hand with micro-managing the employees. No one likes to be micro-managed.

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