Chapter 4

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Emma's POV:

I sat in my car out in the parking lot. I looked at the building I was supposed to go into, and I couldn't get myself to go inside. I was frozen in my seat; I felt paralyzed. How does someone face this... How does someone constantly look at a child slowly slip away until they no longer exist? They are no longer breathing—their heartbeat stops; forever. I didn't want to see any of them die, especially the little girl. Every time I look at her, I think about my kids how it could be them. A knock on my window caused me to jump.

"What the hell, Lance!" I scolded him as I rolled down my window. He let out a laugh.

"Just thought I'd bring you out of your thoughts. I know they aren't in a good place." He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Mine aren't in the best of places either. We need to pull it together, though, at least while we are here. We have to put all of them first. If we keep drifting off or avoiding this, then we'll never find a way to save people." I looked down at my steering wheel, taking in a deep breath.

"Alright. Let's do this." I rolled up my window and got out of my car. Lance gave me this look; I couldn't quite place what it was. Maybe concern? It was laced with other emotions, though.

"We'll do this together." He said, giving me some reassurance. At least I wasn't alone in this. I know Mila can be there for me, but it's different. She doesn't see all of this on a daily basis.

I followed behind Lance, neither one of us talking. Both of us are lost in our thoughts. Trying to build up the strength and energy to put on this persona, this facade, that we were fine. It was the same routine walking in and riding the elevator down to the lower levels. Stepping off that elevator was the hardest thing I had to do so far today. I almost had to pick up my leg and move it forward. My body was stuck between flight or freeze, and of course, it chose the latter for the second time today.

Looking around, the place looked chaotic and was packed. No one was walking leisurely, only speed walking and almost full out sprints. Lance and I both looked at each other, not only confused but concerned.

"Excuse me. Where is the doctor?" The guy stopped, and you could see the sweat dripping from his forehead from running all over the place. He looked conflicted by standing there.

"Check over by the quarantine area." He rushed out his answer and sped off to his destination.

Lance and I made our way back to where people were being quarantined, and what I saw, I almost couldn't believe it. The wall that used to be there was now knocked down, and it now opened up to a large space filled with beds. Almost all the beds were full. I did a quick scan, and I soon found the little girl I saw yesterday. She looked worse today, and I could see the infection has crawled further up her arm. I was trying to get the attention of people around me to find out where Dr. Hein is. Finally, I had enough, and frustration got the best of me. I opened up my abilities.

"Can someone please tell me where in the hell is Dr. Hein!" I shouted above the bustling hoard of people and used my abilities to fluctuate everyone's emotions enough to stop and focus on me. Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at me. I soon shut my abilities off right after that, not wanting to feel everyone's emotions or hearing anyone's solemn thoughts.

"I'm right here." I snap my head in the direction of her voice. I saw her in the one place I never thought I would behind the bubble.

"What the hell happened?" She hugged her arms around herself, and that's when I saw it—the infection on her wrist.

"I honestly don't know. The symptoms only started today, and I Immediately checked myself in. I took as many precautions as I could think of." I saw the look in her eyes—the fear.

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