Chapter 5

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Emma's POV:

"Shit," I exclaimed out after looking at what Mila texted me.

"What is it?" Lance pulled his eyes away from the computer screen to look at me.

"Mila wants to tell the kids about the virus, and apparently, a teacher had some conference with her to talk about the kids." I put my phone back up and rubbed my eyes. My eyes are so tired from scrolling and looking through multiple resumes. We've narrowed it down to three candidates, and at this point, I think we may hire all three so we can have more people working on this. "How the hell are we supposed to tell our 4-year-old children that there is a virus spreading rapidly, killing people? That it only affects supernatural beings...." He placed his hand on my shoulder and lightly gripped it.

"Just tell them the truth. They are extremely smart and wise beyond their years. They'll understand. They need to know Emma." I patted his hand on my shoulder.

"I know. You're right. I do need to tell them, and whatever questions they may have, I'll answer honestly." He looked at me with a proud expression, then turned his attention back towards the computer screen.

"Alright, Emma. Let's call these doctors and schedule interviews. I want to meet and talk with them before we hire them." I didn't respond with words but rather picked up the phone and dialed the number to the first applicant I saw. Lance followed in suit and proceeded to call the next one on the list.

Mila's POV:

"Alright, my loves, go to the table and do any homework you may have. If you have any questions, just ask." They both gave me an okay and rushed off to the dining room table.

Our house was a very open concept, so the kitchen and dining room bled into one another. I was appreciative of this fact because I could cook and keep an eye on the kids.

"How does tacos sound? I know we had breakfast burritos this morning." The kids looked up at me excitedly.

"Definitely go with tacos, momma," Alyx spoke first, and Aleksey nodded in agreement.

Alright, tacos it is then. I wanted to make something simple, and that wouldn't take too long. We got back late, and I wanted dinner to be ready or almost ready by the time Emma got home. I was glad that my kids loved spicy food, too, because I make a homemade taco seasoning that has a kick to it. Not only is it already spicy, but I get to add even more to it with some hot sauce. My mouth was watering at the thought of hot sauce. I have a serious problem. I've switched out my addiction to waffles for hot sauce. I could drink a bottle of hot sauce as if it were a beverage. Lately, I've even thought about trying waffles with hot sauce. I don't know though, maybe that's a little too far.

The kids had all their homework done within about 30 minutes, then headed upstairs to get washed up and ready for dinner. I was setting up the table, laying out all the ingredients we would need to make our tacos right in the middle when I heard the front door open. I looked over and made eye contact with Emma. She looked so exhausted.

"I'm just going to clean up quickly; then I'll be right back down." She didn't wait for a response as she made her way up the stairs. She was dragging her feet the whole time.

After about 10 minutes, everyone was finally seated at the table. Luckily the meat wasn't cold. I did have to reheat their tortillas on the stove, though. Everyone just started making their tacos. The silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I decided just to break the silence myself since no one else is.

"How was everyone's day?" I heard a quiet groan from Emma and gave her a pointed look.

"It was fine. Very long but fine." Emma's answer was short, and I knew it to be a complete lie. So I just looked at the kids waiting for their answers.

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