Chapter 25

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Emma's POV:

September 12th, for some, may not seem like a significant day, but in our household, it is. Today was the twins' birthday. As much as I didn't want to leave the lab last night, Mila insisted I be there when the kids woke up to wish them a happy birthday. At least I was able to fall asleep with Mila on FaceTime last night. I am so thankful for modern technology.

I walk into the kitchen to find Anita almost done with breakfast. Waffles, the kids' favorite. It gave me a sad smile as I thought back to when Mila was still human and obsessed with waffles too. If I hadn't turned her, none of this would be happening right now. The kids would for sure be human, she would be human, and they would all be safe.

"Hey, cheer up or at least fake it. The kids should be down soon, and it is their birthday. I know you are focused on being a wife right now, but you have more than one role. You're also a mother." I sucked in a deep breath as I heard the kids' footsteps approaching. Okay, Emma, you've got this.

"Happy birthday, you two!" I brought them both into a group hug, and I made sure that a grin was plastered on my face. It may not have been very genuine, but I was still smiling. I was happy that my kids were happy, but I couldn't help the tug on my heart and soul to be next to Mila.

"Thanks, mommy." Alyx then sniffed the air, and her eyes got wide. She and Aleksey exchanged a look and then peeked around my frame. "Waffles!" They both shouted out at the same time. This elicited a genuine laugh out of me, just like Mila.

"Once you both are done eating, we are going to head over to see momma and open presents, okay?" They both looked at each other than basically started inhaling their food. Their cheeks are completely puffed out like a chipmunk from all the waffles they've just shoved in their mouths.

They both gave me a closed-lipped smile, which is a good thing; I am honestly afraid of what I would have seen if they would have smiled with their teeth.

We were finally on our way to see Mila. I can't even begin to express how much I can't wait to see her. I always wanted to be by her side, but with what's going on, I want to be basically superglued to her side. When I am away from her, I feel like I can't breathe or function right. I feel so incomplete when I'm not next to her.

It was different before when I would go to work. Yeah, I would miss her like crazy, but I knew as soon as I got home, she would be right there, waiting to greet me with a kiss. Now, though, I may never get to come home and see her there waiting for me again. This was always my biggest fear, losing her. That's one of the biggest reasons why I let her talk me into turning her. That way, she would be immortal, and I wouldn't have to worry about her dying. That obviously came back to bite me in the ass because her being supernatural has now put her life in jeopardy. My biggest fear was teetering on the balances, and I had to wait to see which way it would tip. I just hoped it tipped in my favor and that soon she will be perfectly happy and healthy.

We were just now stepping off the elevator and making our way over to where Mila is. The kids took off running, and who was I to stop them? It's their birthday, and they want to see their mom. Hell, I would be running over there with them, too, if there weren't so many other people. This place is filled with my employees, or as the council would say, subordinates; what would they think if they saw me frolicking with glee throughout the building? They probably would never take me seriously again.

As I got closer, I noticed that Mila was nowhere to be found, and her bed was stripped of its sheets and blankets.

"Where's momma?" I was frantically looking over every inch of that room for her.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." With that, I zipped through the halls till I made it to where the entrance of the quarantine part of the building began.

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