Chapter 2

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Even though the twins were born vampires, they could still eat human food, and apparently, it tasted normal to them. I wish human food tasted good again. I miss waffles so much, which is one thing my kids inherited from. I was making homemade waffles and my famous scrambled eggs; it was their favorite breakfast. Today they started their first day of kindergarten, I know only four, but they are brilliant for their age. They've been able to talk even from a few months old. All subjects came easy for them.

"Good morning, momma." I heard Aleksey say as he walked in with his bright blue-green eyes and full of energy. Not trailing too far behind him was his sister, Alyx.

"Mommy!" She flung herself onto Emma. She was definitely Emma's little girl.

I smiled at the moment they shared and watched the love reach Emma's eyes. She's a great mother. Alyx took a little more after me with dark hazel eyes. Aleksey took a little more after Emma. He had her blue-green eyes; however, he had just a little bit more green in them. They did have some physical traits in common; Alyx and Aleksey had freckles across the bridge of their nose like Emma and the same light brown colored hair.

"What? No hug for me?" I said with a little bit of a fake pout. Her eyes lit up again, and she smiled, rushing over to hug me.

"Of course, momma, I could never forget to give you a hug too." I held her close and smiled. Aleksey wasn't as much of a fan of physical touch, especially when it came to hugs, and I never forced him to give hugs. Whatever boundaries my kids set up, I respect them wholeheartedly, as does Emma.

They are allowed to express their emotions, have privacy. Hell, they even have locks on their doors. Of course, they rarely throw fits, but Emma and I are always patient with them when they do because we want them to know it's okay to express their feelings. They are kids, after all.

"I made both of your favorites! Homemade waffles and scrambled eggs." They both cheered with excitement. They had a glass of blood with their food because, at the end of the day, they still are vampires and require to drink blood.

They scarfed down their food as quickly as it was to take a breath of air. They took their dirty dishes to the sink, rinsed them off, and put them in the dishwasher. They were always so keen on cleaning up their mess. In fact, you should see how clean and organized their rooms are. Everything has a specific place, they hate clutter, and they hate the house being dirty. Safe to say, they help around the house a lot, and I never ask them to. One Christmas, they actually requested to each have their own small vacuum. Very strange, I know, I'm completely aware.

"Alright, you two, go get washed up. I'm sure I don't have to remind you, but I'm going to anyway; brush and floss your teeth." They both nodded and headed off. I know they were big on taking care of their physical health and their spiritual and mental health. I was a very proud parent. Well, I would be proud of them no matter what.

They soon returned with their backpacks looking excited to go to school. Again I don't know where they got it from. The only reason why I liked going to school was back when it was my only escape and chance to be safe from the monster that terrorized my mother and me. I shook old fears away; he's gone, forever. I didn't realize Emma had closed the distance between them and rubbed the small of my back. She held a look filled with concern. I just gave her a light smile and nodded, signaling I was okay. I turned to the kids with a wide smile that was semi-genuine.

"Alright, let's head out." They rushed towards the front door. Emma and I exchanged amused glances.

We all walked out together. Emma got Alyx strapped into her booster seat while I got Aleksey into his. Soon they will be outgrowing these and won't need them anymore. They were growing and fast. It seems like every few months I have to get them new clothes and shoes. I hated seeing them grow up so fast. It honestly made me want to cry. I closed the door, and before I could reach to open my door, Emma beat me to it. She gestured me inside with a big smile. We exchanged a quick, chaste kiss. Soon we departed, going in opposite directions.

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