Chapter 28

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Emma's POV:

We had been walking throughout this forest all night and all day now. We didn't want to waste any more time and wait till morning. Between Chloe being a powerful witch and me being a vampire, I wasn't scared of anything that may be lurking in these woods. I kept a close eye on Chloe to make sure she wasn't overexerting herself, but she seemed so focused on finding our destination every time I looked over. There was a fire in her eyes. Even if she was exhausted, I don't think she would even know it, which is why I needed to be the one to notice it.

"I think we should take a break. Just for a little bit." Chloe's intense eyes met mine.

"I'm fine, Emma. We can keep going." She started to walk ahead of me, but I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Please, just for five minutes. We can take a seat on that log over there that is out of the sun and by the stream." I pointed over to where the log was.

"We don't have five minutes, Emma. People are dying as we speak. Mila is getting closer and closer to death as we stand here wasting time. I don't want to stop, and I'm not going to. Not until we find this witch." I sighed out.

"Will you at least drink more water then?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Fine, I'll drink more water, especially if it means that we can keep going." She sounded very reluctant at this, but I didn't really care. If she wasn't going to rest, then she was going to hydrate more. I wasn't just watching out for her; I was also watching out for the baby that was growing inside her stomach.

As we made our way deeper into the forest, the more the sun began to fade. It was honestly getting to the point that it was almost as dark as nighttime. Barely any light made its way through the thick foliage that was provided by the trees above us. The way they shaded us from the sun made me think of umbrellas. I wonder if rain could even make its way through. I looked over to Chloe.

"How much longer?" She just shrugged her shoulders without saying a word.

"Do you even know where you are going?" She huffed out in annoyance. I swear if she wasn't pregnant, I would have a horrible attitude back at her.

"In the story, it says that you go deep into the forest and that you will find her in the middle of the forest." I threw my hands up.

"How the hell are we going to know when we are in the middle of the forest." She rolled her eyes.

"If you had let me finish, then I would have gotten to that." It took everything in me, every ounce of strength, not to huff in annoyance at her. "The story said that you'd know you've made it to the middle when you've found a huge clearing. It is the only clearing throughout the whole forest. It is described as always having sunlight, even when it rains. It says that you will feel nothing but peace once you step into the clearing." I nodded.

"Okay. It seems simple enough. Just have to find this huge ass clearing to be in the middle. I hope that it is absolutely massive, so it will be extremely easy to find." Then, she said something that completely caught me off guard.

"I agree." Wow, that is literally the first thing we have agreed on since we started this journey. It's a fucking miracle.

"What's that look for?" I looked at her, confused. "That look of surprise that was just on your face. What was that for." I hummed.

"Uhh, nothing." She huffed.

"Emma, I won't ask again." I sighed; I should prepare for my death now.

"I was just surprised because that was the only thing we have agreed on in a while." I kind of flinched back after saying this expecting to get smacked. But, instead, she just started laughing.

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