Chapter 21

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"You all are negative for the virus." They looked down at their clipboard. "And we've already made contact with everyone she's been in contact with recently. You all can make your way back to the lab now." The nurse locked eyes with Emma. "Mrs. Ambrogio." The nurse gave a formal nod, and Emma made the same gesture in return.

The whole way back to the lab, I felt like I was in slow motion. I felt my world spinning around me. My body felt a million times my weight, and with each step I took, I practically had to pick my feet up off the ground with my hands. Emma had herself completely shut off; I couldn't feel her at all. If I were to try and find her in this building, I would have a hard time because I couldn't feel one ounce of her energy.

Ever since her vampire side fully took over and basically ripped me to shreds, she hasn't said a word. Not, one single word. Even when we were being asked questions, I was the only one talking. She wouldn't even look in my direction. It felt like I wasn't even there. The only reason why I felt like I was still alive and not a ghost at this moment was the feeling of Aleksey's hand holding mine.

When we got back to the lab, I saw my mom. She immediately closed the distance between us and held me close to her.

"Oh, Mija. I'm so, so sorry." As much as I didn't want to. As much as I was trying to stay strong in front of Aleksey, I couldn't. I couldn't stay strong any longer. So, I broke; no, I shattered completely. Millions of pieces of me were now scattered everywhere as I sobbed into my mom's shoulder.

During this absolute mental breakdown of mine, my mom just rubbed my back and held me up. I don't know where she got the strength to support all my weight for this long. I was grateful, though, because honestly, right now, I don't think I could support even a fraction of my weight. I heard Emma clear her voice from behind me. I gathered as much strength as I could to lift myself off of my mom's shoulder and support my own weight to look at Emma.

"I'm going to go talk to the doctors. I'm going to have them bring chairs over so you all can sit down by where Alyx is." I just sniffled a little and wiped my nose on my sleeve.

"Okay." I rasped out. My voice was already raw from all the crying I've done. Emma's eyes flickered briefly, showing a bit of emotion, but only briefly. She didn't say another word... She just turned and left.

We made our way over to the seats that had just been set up by Alyx. I reached out to try and touch her, but my hand was stopped by the clear wall. I'm guessing it was some sort of plexiglass. I sighed out and sat down in the chair in between my mom and Aleksey. Aleksey was hugging his knees to his chest, not taking his eyes off his little twin sister. He wasn't even blinking. I looked over to my mom and could tell how worried she was. I could tell how badly she was freaking out and wanted to cry, but she held it in and together. She was the rock that everyone needed right now.

"How is she?" I stood up immediately when I saw the doctor approaching Alyx. They looked over at all the machines and then inspected the veins on her stomach and wrist.

"She's definitely a fighter. The infection has spread." He held up her wrist, and I gasped out, noticing it was further up her arm. "But it is moving at a slower pace than what we usually see right about now. I don't know if that trend will continue, but I hope it does. It's a little more unpredictable with children." The doctor then turned away and started heading to another patient. I was swallowing down bile at this point, and my head was spinning. I felt a pair of hands steady me, and I looked at my mom.

"She's a fighter, Mija. You heard the doctor. Just sit down." She helped me find the chair. " Now, just keep breathing," Easier said than done. I feel like I'm being choked to death. My airway felt extremely constricted.

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