Thou Looketh So Perfect (AU part 1) || Luke X Reader

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Luke's POV

"So, you really think Aleisha will be here?" Calum asked as we walked into the mansion of a house.

I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe. You didn't have to come with me."

"Pfft. Are you kidding me? Crashing the Cliffords' party? Why would I pass up an opportunity like that?" I chuckled as I felt Calum grab my shoulder and shake it.

As Calum said, this was the Cliffords' annual costume ball. Invitation only. Obviously, Calum and I weren't invited because of the feud between my family and the Cliffords, but that story was for another day. The only reason we were here was because of a girl named Aleisha McDonald. We sort of had a relationship, and I think I might have loved her, but I'm only 18 so I don't really know. I had a feeling she might be at this party because she was actually friends with the Cliffords.

I was focused on looking for her. Not the easiest thing since everyone was in costume. Just like that, my intentions for the night changed. All when I saw her.

"Did you find her?" Calum asked curiously, noticing me staring off at something unknown to him.

"Do you know who that is?" Ignoring his previous questions, I pointed to the girl who looked like an angel. Figuratively and literally because that was her costume.

 He shook his head. "Why?"

"She's beautiful." I said simply. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Calum, sensing I had forgotten about the task of finding Aleisha or just Aleisha in general, smirked. He patted my back, kind of as a 'Go get her, tiger.'

"I'll go find trouble at the buffet." And Calum was gone, leaving me staring at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.


Reader's POV

This was probably one of the worse nights of my life. I didn't usually have a problem with our annual costume ball, but this year my father has me set up to marry someone. Marry!

I insisted it wouldn't work out because I barely even knew the guy. What does my father do? Invite him to the ball so I can get to know him better.

"Can you get me a drink, please?" I asked Ashton as we finished an awkward dance. "Of course!" He responded, eager to make me happy or probably just to make my father happy. I didn't care, either way. He rushed off, leaving me alone, and I was grateful.

I glanced around the room filled with dancing people in costumes, and my eyes landed on a masked fellow who I noticed was staring at me. I blushed, quickly looking away from his piercing blue gaze. I couldn't help myself, though and glanced up once again to see him still staring, a hint of a smile tugging at his mouth.

I stepped to the side, holding his gaze as he matched my movements. I giggled as he continued to follow my moves, watching each other as we moved through all the people, so many others in between us. Every once in a while, he would hide behind a group of people, and I would feel sad because I lost him. Then he would come out again, and I would giggle.

Eventually, we made it to the end of the room, where very few people were mingling. "You know, it's considered impolite to stare." The masked boy with the gorgeous blue eyes said.

I sucked in some air, hearing him speak for the first time. "Well, you were staring first." I teased, feeling like I could be myself with him.

"How can a man not stare at such a beautiful young lady?" He smiled, and I felt myself blushing. "Dance with me?" I couldn't speak and simply nodded, taking his hand. He pulled me close, and I felt like I was going to faint, though I don't know why. I don't even know who this man was.

"So, what's a beautiful girl like yourself doing standing all alone?" He asked quietly.

I sighed. "Trying to get away from my betrothed." I put disgusted emphasis on the word 'betrothed.' Ashton wasn't a horrible guy, just not meant for me.

"Well maybe I can help you get your mind off of it." He said, charmingly. I felt myself blush again.

"So, are you a friend of the Cliffords?" He asked, which was odd because you couldn't be here if you weren't at least a friend.

"Sort of. I'm Clifford's daughter, (Y/N)." I said, finally introducing myself. If that shocked him, he didn't seem to show it.

"(Y/N)..." He muttered, a glint in his big blue eyes. He grinned. "What a beautiful name."

I smiled. Why was he so charming? "Now you know my name. So, what's yours?" I asked. I don't know why, but I just felt like I had to know everything about him.

"Now, what's the purpose of the mask if I reveal my identity?" He asked, a playful smile on his face. I rolled my eyes, which I would never do with my own family or even Ashton. "Then will you show me what's under the mask?"

"Only because you asked so nicely, and I refuse to give my name." He slowly lifted his mask away, and he was absolutely handsome. His smile, his blue eyes, his blonde hair, his one dimple, and even his lip ring, which my father would be absolutely horrified at. Everything about him was beautiful, including his voice.

"Am I really that breathtaking?" He joked, but he really was. "You have no idea."

Suddenly, someone ran up behind him. A man of about the same age, a few inches shorter with dark hair. He whispered something to him in an urgent manner. The blue-eyed boy gave me a sad smile, kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I will see you again." He sounded so sure. Then he ran off.

I watched him leave and jumped as someone walked up behind me. "Why were you talking to him?" A voice demanded. Michael. I sighed, turning to face him. "Just because you're my big brother doesn't mean-"

He cut me off. "Do you even know who that was?" He sounded angry. I shook my head. "He wouldn't tell me."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "That was Luke Hemmings." I tensed at the last name. "Yeah, recognize the name? You should because his family are our enemies." He never even gave me a chance to speak. "I better not see you with him again."

"I can do what I want."

"I forbid it." And with that he walked off. I huffed. The family feud with the Hemmings never interested me much. It was all just really stupid and should end because it only resulted in death and sorrow. Whatever the case, it wasn't going to stop me from seeing Luke.

To be continued...

✖✖If you haven't already figured it out, this is a Romeo and Juliet AU :) So, I hope you guys like it. Aleisha is meant to be the Rosaline in the story. She's only mentioned, never actually in it. I used her because she and Luke used to date. So yay :) There will be 4 parts to this imagine. Sorry it'll be long waiting in between each part. I have a schedule and have to update these on certain days and have to update a Cal, Ash, Mikey, and group one before my next Luke one. Be patient :) Love you guys <3✖✖

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