Updates Soon!

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I have a perfectly good reason for not updating lately, especially after I started that new schedule which was supposed to allow me to update more. (If you are not aware of my schedule, which I hope you are, you can find it in my bio.)

The first reason is that, spring break messed me up. I was originally supposed to have all the chapters written BEFORE the week I update them. Well, spring break came around and I kept procrastinating the chapters, telling myself "I'll have time to write them during break." Because of that, I didn't have the chapters for the next week written so I had to start writing them on the day that they were getting updated. So that was thrown off a bit, I apologize.

But now, I have finals. That is my other reason. I would have written some chapters on Saturday but we had some family over that I don't see very often and we were swimming like all day. Which was a horrible idea because I got my first sunburn :/ I stayed pale too long, the sun doesn't like me anymore. (In case you were wondering, I used to NEVER burn. I would only tan, and very easily too. Last summer I didn't go outside very much so I was like really pale over the winter and yeah :/) So anyway.

I'm taking a break from writing and updating atm. I will try to update again the week after finals are over, which is not next week but the week after. I WILL TRY. I can't make any promises though.



*This message is the same in all of my books*

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