Radio Show Contest || 5SOS

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'Cause I'm not fine at all...

No, I'm really not fine at all...

Tell me this is just a dream!

Cause I'm really not fine at all.'

(Y/F/N) and you sang along as one of your favorite songs by 5 Seconds of Summer ended. The two of you had just gone out to your favorite restaurant and were now on your way home, listening to the radio. 

"That was Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer on Sirius XM Hits 1!" The radio show host exclaimed. This was your favorite radio station to listen to because they always played your favorite music and had tons of fun contests too. You and (Y/F/N) knew the odds of winning one of those contests, but you had fun with them anyway. "Now's time for our last Watchuwant contest! The first person to call in and answer this question wins a mystery prize!"

You already had your phone out. There was literally a one in a million chance that you would win one of these contests. The first person to call in? That's insanity. You would have to be super fast to dial the number. Luckily, you already had the station's number saved in your contacts list. You honestly didn't care that you didn't know what the prize was because you didn't believe you had a chance at winning. It's funny how things work out.

"Alright, tonight's question is... What is the name of the drummer of the band 5 Seconds of Summer? Call in now!" You immediately press the green call button. "Oh my God, that's like the easiest question ever!" (Y/F/N) shouts in excitement.

The line only rang twice, and when it went silent, you thought it was over. They had already picked up for someone else. Then you hear on the radio, as well as the phone, "Congratulations! You're the first caller!"

"Oh my God, really?!" You squeaked. You always imagined what your reaction would be when you actually got through to the radio show, but your real reaction was nowhere near that. "What's your name, young lady?"

"Um, (Y/N)." You hesitate before blurting it out. It was so weird hearing your words on the radio right as you said them. "Alrighty, then, (Y/N), the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer. You got a name?"

"Ashton Irwin." You said, as if it should've been obvious to everyone. 

"Ding! Ding! Ding! You got it! The drummer of the band 5 Seconds of Summer is indeed Ashton Irwin. Congratulations, (Y/N)! Do you wanna know what you won?" You rolled your eyes, mostly for (Y/F/N) because obviously you wanted to know. "Yeah!" You exclaimed.

"Before we get to that, tell me a bit about yourself." You grew impatient but shrugged it off because you were on the radio! You couldn't believe it! Everyone that was listening to this radio station could hear you and knew that you just won! "What kind of bands do you like? 5 Seconds of Summer I'm assuming, right?"

You laughed. "Yeah, that's my favorite band actually. Um, I'm also into bands like Green Day and All Time Low but 5SOS is my top favorite."

"Thanks for sharing with us, (Y/N). Now for your prize." There was a drumroll on set as you waited for him to announce your prize. This was nerve racking. Never in your life had you been in this position before. "(Y/N), you've won a blind date! It's not just any old blind date though, it's with a celebrity."

You were speechless. You honestly weren't expecting that and didn't know what to think of it. A blind date? With a celebrity? That sounded awesome but what celebrity? What if it was someone you didn't care for much? So many thoughts were going around your head, and all you could say was, "Thank you so much!" 

"Alright, we've got your number over here so we'll text you everything you need to know. Congratulations again, and good luck on your date!" He hung up and continued on with playing music. (Y/F/N) was so excited that she had to pull over so she wouldn't hit anything. 

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